The Unending Beliefs Of Man

in proofofbrain •  4 months ago

    Beliefs are so many. Yes, I can see that over and over again. Many people believe in many things, some believing would. Some believe in God Almighty, the Christian way, and we have the Judaic. Wish believe in Yahweh, Jehovah kind of got and their season branches of Christianity that believe that they cannot be a Trinity God.

    Some people believe that there can be a Trinity God. Some also believe that there can be a Trinity God with a woman there who is giving birth to them or kind of in any way the. Think about it, some also believe that God was created or maybe God as prophets and the person that they thought. Was a son of God is actually a profit, not a son of God, because God is not a male or female kind of oppressing, but every time we use a pronoun he for him. So some people also believe that a human being can become God.

    We’ve seen that in some branches of Christianity where they have elevated themselves to be God. Llarena sections upon sections, even deep inside Christianity in itself and deep inside Islamic religion, we have the Sony and the.

    Sooner of a thing like that, I can’t remember the second one, but truly we now have different different versions. Even in the Muslim dominated world we have versions of Islam that are more than one. We have those that believe it is peaceful at all time.

    We have people that believe that they can use terrorism to force down. The threat of whatever their religious belief are some people believe that it is peace all the way some people believe that you can attain inner peace in this world and in the world the nest by having a yoga meditation sitting on top of your mountain quietly and meditating on everything to draw inspirations from the universe and so. on and so forth


    Believes never end and as funny human just wanting human with thousands upon thousands of religious believes an idea that can help his life and help him to attend whatsoever he thinks is right for himself

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