Zettelkasten, but in a /bin/bash script

in programming •  4 months ago

    With the help of our wonderful overlords, "I" have composed a small bash script to take notes, tag em and move on.
    Using #ranger https://github.com/ranger/ranger to explore and #helix https://github.com/helix-editor/helix life's a breeze!! Ok, I still have a little bit of work to do for a fully enjoyable helix experience, but ranger helps ^>^

    # Function to create a tag file
    create_tag_file() {
        touch "notes/$1.md"
        echo "Created tag file: $1.md"
    # Function to prepend content to tag file
    prepend_content_to_tag_file() {
        # Check if the tag file exists
        if [ -f "notes/$1.md" ]; then
            # Temporarily store the existing content
            existing_content=$(cat "notes/$1.md")
            # Write new content to the tag file
            echo "---" > "notes/$1.md"
            echo "title:$2" >> "notes/$1.md"
            echo "tags: [$3]" >> "notes/$1.md"
            echo "file: $5" >> "notes/$1.md"
            echo "---" >> "notes/$1.md"
            # Append the new content to the existing content
            echo "$4" >> "notes/$1.md"
            echo >> "notes/$1.md"
            echo "$existing_content" >> "notes/$1.md"
            # If the tag file doesn't exist, create it and write the new content
            touch "notes/$1.md"
            echo "---" > "notes/$1.md"
            echo "title:$2" >> "notes/$1.md"
            echo "tags: [$3]" >> "notes/$1.md"
            echo "file: $5" >> "notes/$1.md"
            echo "---" >> "notes/$1.md"
            echo "$4" >> "notes/$1.md"
            echo >> "notes/$1.md"
    # Function to format tags
    format_tags() {
        # Remove non-alphanumeric characters and convert to lowercase
        tags=$(echo "$1" | tr -cd '[:alnum:] ' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
        # Convert space-separated tags to comma-separated string enclosed in square brackets
        formatted_tags=$(echo "[$tags]" | sed 's/ /,/g')
        echo "$formatted_tags"
    # Create notes directory if it doesn't exist
    mkdir -p notes/zetts
    # Prompt user for title
    read -p "Enter title: " title
    # Prompt user for content
    read -p "Enter content: " content
    # Prompt user for tags
    read -p "Enter tags (separated by spaces): " tags_input
    # Format tags
    formatted_tags=$(format_tags "$tags_input")
    # Generate filename with milliseconds since epoch time
    filename=$(date +%s%3N).md
    # Limit content to 72 characters per line
    formatted_content=$(echo "$content" | fold -s -w 72)
    # Create YAML headline and write to file
    echo -e "---\ntitle:$title\ntags: $formatted_tags\n---\n$formatted_content\n" > "notes/zetts/$filename"
    echo "Zett created: notes/zetts/$filename"
    # Insert content into all relevant tag files
    IFS=',' read -ra tag_array <<< "${formatted_tags:1:-1}"
    for tag in "${tag_array[@]}"; do
        tag=$(echo "$tag" | tr -d '[]')
        if [[ ! -z "$tag" ]]; then
            create_tag_file "$tag"
            prepend_content_to_tag_file "$tag" "$title" "$formatted_tags" "$formatted_content" "$filename"
    echo "Content inserted into tag files."
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