Old Maths, Science & Vampires Oh My,

in politics •  23 days ago

    I already know this right,

    Well, should I ever bother telling you…

    Nah, later, another day, nah let’s run it, sod it, some people will get it, why not, lets lean into it, and some people in academia will just go, what the actual truck, theirs an entire maths system we don’t understand?!?!?! Or know??! What the, sod it, its 2025, lets have some fun.

    Was going to mention, there are interesting things, with numerology and calendars and cards, and dates, that I understand easily because, when I crunch those numbers, and numerology maths, I can do very fast, and easily, in my head, then, it flashes the resulting card in my head, and I’m like, oh, right, that pictorial means xyz, correlate, re correlate, that, easy maths for me.


    If you do that, on your calendars, and the way you break your calendars up, you will discover a lot, some of you in here know that stuff, already, I know that others may not - it is, old world stuff though, not entirely relevant to science - it’s a different kind of thing.

    Means things, that are not necessarily mathematical

    Let’s just say right, You were the best mathematician, or physicist in the world right - and you wanted me to understand your equation, more or less, instantly.

    You would have to take it, all your maths - and the concept, and correlate it, to a tarot deck, could be any deck at all, but I know best, Traditional and Thoth, figure out - what best, symbolizes what your trying to express, at a conceptual level, then, add in numerology, to the end of your equation so that it boils down, when all calculated, to the number of the deck and then, I would know what you’re saying, because that’s the maths I know, and am quite good at, not, static, mainline mathematics, I’m also, quite good with roman numerals, and I correlate them, back to decks as well, all be it, roman numerals get real freaking hard to work with as the numbers get larger, just a bit of insight, how my brain works, and why, I appear, terrible at maths, I’m not terrible at maths, my brain, is just literally wired up to use an entirely different maths system than you all use, which is why sometimes you observe some of my actions and think, how on earth did he figure that out? and other times, to your stuff, how could he be totally so off base - that’s why,

    but you can replicate the two, by extrapolating and untangling each way, I understand, symbolism, and pictorial maths, as it relates, to numerology, and you would hope so - in the same way you all went through school, and studied Arabic numerals, and that maths based system, well I flunked that, but I have been studying, what I just described to you above, since, at least, if I’m honest, I learnt pictorial first, but I spent about, I would say, 5 - 6 years, running numerology equations for years, and my brain does it, when I think about it - very fast - just like you all, do your maths equations, very fast, and it works, and does not confuse me at all - and its very strange, now am I saying that it is real? of course not, it’s an old bunk system from the middle ages, we have proven that, what I am saying is, I studied all that old bunk system stuff, and have adapted it, to make it work, in, an actual scientific way? does that make any semblance of sense to you, no - I’m not saying, I suddenly made the unreal real, or the superstitious real, - what I am saying, is that I have, literally, my own maths system, both practical, and pictorial, which you won’t know, because the way I read decks, is not even the same as what’s written in the books, but - the way I count, is very traditional

    i.e. 1 + 1 = 2 - but if I saw that, if you apply it, that would mean, 1 + 1 = 2 as a pictorial, would diminish to, 4 - everything condenses down, to a singular number, or, its lower base constituent - is it real? of course not - but you can make, it real, if you choose to, and literally run your own equations with it, it just depends, if you go on the pictorial, you run the numerology, and, you can run the numerology, over the pictorial, at the same time

    so, 1 + 1 = 2 that’s correct

    But at the same time - apply the pictorial

    ok so that’s 4

    hmm, so if the 2 was the top line, then the bottom line is 4

    right, so, you always combine, until you can’t combine anymore
    so, then it would be

    2 + 4
    Which is 6

    Now the key is, when do you decide to stop, because as you can already see, it becomes a problem doesn’t it? because it’s like a mirror looking at a mirror, the top line, always resolves the bottom line, well, that - is where you simply decide, to stop shuffling the deck.

    And many would ask, so, what does that mean? I have no idea, that would be a math equation between causality and neural intuition, wouldn’t it?

    However - in a practical sense, once you reached your defined parameters, similar, to morse, semaphore, or rather, a telegram, you would simply note, for a comparative equation, stop, and that’s the card, then, you simply layer, the pictorial, with the concept, you are trying to convey, now, is it a one card draw? or a three card? or a five? or more? you see where I’m going with this, if you can correlate your equations to that, if you understand the symbolism, while the maths is never "accurate" if you want to convey a concept, I will pretty much, almost understand it instantly, as would many others, of, people like me.

    The thing that will, be totally weird to you, is that I am not the first person to do this, now don’t get me wrong, that’s just a snippet, of how I work, I’m not giving everything away, did you know, I bake encoded, concepts, into "Witches" when I was studying Tarot, you would have called me a "Ceremonial Magician" at that time, I had not yet studied astronomy, long ago in Penrith, based on these same principles, by using my at the time psychology knowledge when we had to discuss cards, and then they went off, and probably, re taught it, not knowing I seeded the entire idea in their head.

    People, I keep telling you, I have been at this for a long time, how’s the budget going you ask, yeah not bad, it’s getting there, kind of bored, took a writing break, because intuition, why not.

    Ahh but, hold up Academia, think about what I actually said, not the story, now think of marketing, can you reduce your high concept to an infographic? you most likely can, can’t you? right, so now put them on a piece of paper, now cut it, oh my, you just created a card didn’t you? Because what is the truth, and fact, of Tarot Cards? if we cut away all the nonsense, Lay Psychology, and what do I happen to be good at?

    A good, and proper, and honest, Tarot Card reader, Knows, for a FACT, it’s not real, the BEST tarot card readers, are scientific minds, that KNOW it’s not real, and you simply use the cards, to guide the person, to talk, and you simply use the pictorial, as a prompt, to tease out information, to tease it out, and then, with wisdom, try and advise them, as best you can, as to positive actions, or insight, no of course it’s not bloody real, we all know that, obviously, (some don’t) but that was the basis of Psychology Lords & Ladies, Tarot, and is it not now a baseline accepted science, well that’s where it started and how it started.

    Now as for ESP, well, that’s another thing all together, and a pretty complicated topic, for another day, but I will say this, when anyone says "I’m Psychic" look at their hands, specifically their finger nails, if it’s not half-moons, their full of it, now, you in the west may go "poppycock" but I assure you, half of Asia would have said "Yes, that’s true, I know exactly what he means" and I will point out, you do, have your own records of this, and confirmed data, in that project that wasted quite a bit of money a long time ago, of which, I am fully aware, yes, we discovered quite a few things were not true, but we also discovered quite a few things were, or, seemed to have line of proper scientific enquiry, or do we all just conveniently forget about that these days?

    Guess so, never happened right? just like I don’t exist I guess, yet here i am typing, and as you know, there is no such thing as nothing, so how interesting is that? There is no such thing as a Psychic Vampire, can’t be, impossible! Until you look at it, and then you defined it, and then you created it, lucky were friendly, mostly vegetarians, with a bit of beef or otherwise for iron deficiency issues, and love energy from the Sun 😊 coz were the good guys, there are no vampires, its just a silly little term we came up with, to describe people like us, and hey its cool, all your fiction, surrounding that phrase, actually has its origins in adult material, in the practical sense of which we discuss it, it simply refers to, an entity, that absorbs energy, from an additional source of energy, which all of you do to don’t you?

    Keep going I can hear the crowd say, no, that’s about as much as you all need to know for now, we shall of course, return to the regular scheduled non cray cray publications moving forward, but, this one was so fun to get out there, I could not help myself but go with it, I am very glad to hear the pope is well, even as a paper Christian, who is actually an atheist pagan, which is paradoxical, my good man ! watch this Hellsing anime, its delightfully fun, I will get over to Vatican City for a drink at some stage, of course, we don’t drink in public do we, can someone please get that man a drink? Nice glass, fill it with Hydrolyte! Tested it myself, didn’t die, did get a tad sick, Anagrain apparently helps.

    Moral of the story? Don’t Truck with Vampires, we don’t exist, but if we did, were actually very moral and ethical, and strive to hurt no-one, unless we have to, or get marching orders, in which case, best get out of our way, yes I appreciate this looks like insanity Prime Minster, trust, always a method to my madness, isn't there? Just doing my job & duty.

    Written by Kashmir_Z
    Art Generated by Krea.AI

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