ACCC & AFCA this is the problem with these services, its so hard to easily unsubscribe, and it should be easy, if i cant figure it out, imagine how confused other people are - there needs to be a button, clearly visible, that is like "stop paying these companies" - honestly, i have so many outstanding subscriptions im about 10 minutes from asking Westpac to cancel that card and issue me a new one to stop paying all these fkn pricks with shit burried in sub menus
Seriously, this is rediculous, im a smart man, can you imagine how hard this would be for someone of my parents generation?
I am near banktrupcy all you lot, i cant pay you, sorry, when im not near bankruptcy, sure, great services, but SERIOUSLY stop burrying this shit in sub menus, love your products, will be back, when not banktrupt