Yes, I’m sure all the Jedi out there are marginally annoyed with me for flying a Tie Defender, hey come on guys? Let’s be honest here, the Imperials had some good tech.
Which leads me into todays article discussion, which is actually based in logic, reason and psychology, in a practical sense, not the modern version of Star wars with its, at times, subtle political injected agendas, in reality, real world reality, if you lived, in the Star Wars universe, which is Type 2, you would most likely be in the Empire, hear me out.
I know we all are for the good guys, were all good guys, even though I like my “gothic lite” style yeah, hence my Team Rocket commentary in yesterdays piece, why? Because Jessie is hot, obviously, they got good drip, you know I like my Aesthetic.

You would not, finish school, or go on a job board, and be applying for a role in the Rebel Alliance, no, in the real world, you would be applying to the Empire, I don’t even have to elaborate on that, its pretty basic stuff really.
But here is what does, confuse me in the Star Wars universe, and I am sure, a lot, of people, have thought this thought, I was just flying around, with my AI team in XWA, comprised of x-wings, y-wings, b-wings, and whatever, I was flying a Tie Defender, why? Because I trained in them 27 years ago and they are pretty good technology.
Why do the Rebels always blow up the Star Destroyers? Why don’t they Ion them and capture them? They are forever, blowing up tech, that is at times, not always but at times, vastly superior.

And don’t even get me started on the hyperdrive through a star destroyer in the latest movies, if that was relevant, at all, why did we even need to do the death star trench run in the first place? (I know the answer to this question – writing wise – its because it was based off an old WW2 movie about a bombing run) but STILL if you think it through, the rebels, really are pretty daft when you think about it when it comes to acquiring technology.
Its like hey, um, remember how we had Venetor class star ships in the old republic? Yeah, that’s a star destroyer now, yes, I know it’s the enemy’s ship, you can use the enemy’s ship.
It’s the same reason, in Eve Online I always used to fly everything right? I forget who it was, but there was this woman that told me once (yes she really was a woman, not a catfish lol) way back, whatever I fly, is what I fly, it becomes, what I am, and I rallied against it for a long time, but I eventually came to realize that she was correct.
Same commentary I give of the Rebels in star wars, come on, to all the Jedi out there (and that’s a legitimate recognized religion) and just star wars fans, lets be honest right, critical analysis, how many times, do the Rebels, by the main cannon, and old expanded universe, have the opportunity, to capture, advanced Imperial Technology and instead, they blow it up.

Like I get it writing wise, its good guys and bad guys, and it’s a very cliché formula based on the heroes quest and all that stuff, I get it, but in the real world, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it, it would be a great idea, to be stealing the Imperial Technology, and in reality, you would, they don’t in the films, because it’s a film, however, in reality it would be THE strategic play, particularly, after heavy losses, you would put out intel, gather out where a lone star destroyer was, plan it out, then send in a bunch of stuff, steal it, and hyperdrive it out of there to the far reaches, fix it up, gut it, so on and so forth, that’s what the real, Rebel Alliance would do, strategically speaking, If it existed, in a Type 2 civilization.
See what I did there? Mixed in a bit of science with the pop culture and the gaming? Told you I’m not crazy, its on brand.
On a completely unrelated matter, I had to duck out today, to get some milk, decided to get lunch, as per normal, lots of people out, good to see the economy vibrant on a Sunday afternoon, but yeah, one woman in front of me, just on an escalator, looking at her phone or something, peels off right in an acute motion, and I’m like “hmm she’s looking at something” and it made me think “Geo-Cash” I never, played that game, when it was a thing when I was younger, but I really would like to get into it, at some stage, lol fun fact, I was, in the Pokémon League when it was in Australia at the old Toy’s R Us, however, I sucked at the game, could not play it to save my life, so instead I got my points by colouring in Pictures and got points that way, everyone out in Western Sydney during that time played that really dumbed down version of the game, where you like, just took the number, and subtracted it off the other number, we didn’t use the mana dice or anything, guess you would call it a Regional version of the game.

It could be an activity ! man I want to go back to sea ☹ how flipping awesome would that be ! think like the ducks, but instead of the ducks, its like follow the clues and then at the end you solve the mystery and get like, I don’t know, a prize, could have competing teams, all sorts of stuff, oh jolly good, jolly bloody good, we got to do that, seriously Viking, Carnival, Royal, Silversea, Virgin? Anyone? come on, that’s an awesome activity idea! Just got to give them a lanyard or something so when they are walking around the ship looking sus AF, (like I did on some of my voyages ha!) the staff know they are playing their game, legit, would, be awesome, ok thank you, whoever you were random Woman in front of me on the escalator as I was leaving, I think you just helped me create Cruise Geo-Cashing.

Lol, for now it’s called Project What’s Her Name, how very Australian, I am calling that as the headline, its bound to get a laugh, and no dear I’m not hitting on you or anything, you just walked in front of me, haha, duck out for milk, invent a new activity, after shooting down Tie Fighters, what’s not to love?
And no, im never cutting my hair short, its a Knight Thing, IRL, old world, dont believe me? ask Metatron, Knights, at a certain period of time, always, had long hair, Charles can confirm that fact, should you care to ask him, if hes not to busy.
And Violins? bit of string theory, all be it, I only play Guitar.
Not crazy - doesn't that shock some of you that would like to paint me as so? - Not crazy - Not Insane, And In Full Control of my Mental Faculties, anyway, lets get back to the games shall we?