The right wingers and the bigots seem to be celebrating Michelle Obama's flop. Her new venture, a podcast with her older brother, is having a hard time getting traction.
As you would expect from people who can't seem to stop thinking about the male genitalia. Most of the comments on twitter, and on Youtube for that matter, relate to Michelle's private parts. Telling, if you ask me.
But, I do have to say that I see little value in this.
Tone Deaf
I'm calling her tone deaf because in the minds of liberals, of the people who would be voting for whoever the Dems pick, we are traversing the most chaotic and dangerous time in history.

Wanna start a podcast?
The very idea that there's mental bandwidth for the democratic base to sit down and listen to family stories seems rather ridiculous, if I'm honest. But, only time will tell.
I for one
Don't have the slightest interest in whatever it is that they are selling over there. I don't want to think back, to "remember" how good things used to be (because that's bs).
And I hope, sincerely hope, that this move is not a probing of the waters to run Michelle in four years. If it is, I'm glad her views are failing, because that's precisely how the crazies stay in power.
I'm reminded of a quote from ex-president Jose Mujica, and with this I will close.
"Politicians are like diapers. They must be changed regularly and for the same reasons"