Real History Repeats Itself When You Learn Fake History

in politics •  2 months ago


    Everyone knows the phrase, "Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it." People often cite that quote when talking about fascist threats, and they invoke Hitler, comparing various modern-day figures such as Trump to Der Furer. They use the quote to imply that they studied history, they know about WWII, and they see Trump as the next Hitler. However, such people only think they know history. They don't truly know history. All they know is the propaganda taught to them about World War II.

    The people who most hate and fear Hitler, viewing him as the devil incarnate, have a very distorted and propagandized view of history. And if they continue to hold that distorted view of Hitler, they will be doomed to create the next Hitler--precisely because they don't know the true history of World War II.

    Hitler, while not a good guy, was not some purely evil devil incarnate. He was a human being. And there are historical reasons, including precise policy decisions made by the Allies, that led to Hitler's actions, including the Holocaust, all of which could have been prevented with better diplomacy.

    Instead, Churchill and FDR deployed a foreign policy that's been repeated countless times since by the Global American Empire: in the Middle East, with Putin and Ukraine, and possibly with Trump domestically in the future. It is a policy that Curtis Yarvin has described as kicking a dog until it bites you and then using that as justification to kill it. Putting NATO missiles right on Russia's border is practically begging Putin to invade Ukraine.

    There were opportunities for the Allies to make peace with Hitler and prevent the Holocaust, but instead, they kept kicking the dog. There were chances to prevent the war in Ukraine, but instead, the US kept kicking Putin. There were chances to prevent 9/11, but the US kept kicking the dogs in the Middle East. There were chances to prevent the mess in Gaza, but Israel kept kicking the Palestinians. These events keep repeating because we haven't learned our lessons of history from Hitler in World War II (or from 9/11 or from the wars in the Middle East) and so history is repeating itself in Ukraine and Gaza.

    These so-called "historical experts" are not learning the right lessons from history, which is why these terrible events keep repeating. The midwit libtards who keep calling Trump "Hitler" are deluded because Trump has done nothing like Hitler, nor does he plan to. But if they continue "kicking the dog" and attacking Trump with lawfare and literally trying to kill him with an assassination attempt, even a well-trained peaceful dog can only be kicked so many times before it bites back.

    So although these deranged people think Trump is a fascist and believe they are taking lessons from history to #Resist and prevent some terrible authoritarian future from happening, they are ironically making such a future more likely to happen. They are kicking the dog until it bites. They are calling Trump a fascist until he becomes a fascist.

    Trump is basically a 90s liberal. He governed as such from 2016-2020, and he will probably continue to do so in his second term. But because these people have such a distorted view of history and think Trump is the next Hitler, they will continue kicking the dog, and keep attacking Trump until he becomes a fascist dictator in order to defend himself against their kicks.

    This doesn't necessarily mean that Trump will bite back by becoming a fascist ruler in his second term. It's more likely that the Left's continued attacks on him will result in some new figure in the future (post-Trump) that will become the true fascist that bites back. That future can only be prevented if the Left (and neoconservative "Right") learns its true lessons from history.

    On Tucker Carlson's podcast, Darryl Cooper tried to dismantle the propagandistic view of WWII that we'd all been taught in school, but he was viciously attacked by those who still believe the myth wholeheartedly. Question their mythology even slightly and they'll label you a Nazi-sympathizing Holocaust-denier. Midwits love creating false binaries. It is possible to critique Churchill while still opposing Hitler. Unless we learn the real lessons of history, we will be doomed to repeat them. As long as we hold this cartoonized Marvel movie view of Hitler and World War II, the Marvel movie will repeat itself in the future. And no one likes these awful Marvel movies anymore.

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