The Heart Set Out for Love

in poetry •  4 months ago

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    The Heart Set Out for Love

    Pensively he reflected:

    The span of happiness has come to an end,
    Ever since gray shafts beamed in my hair

    Love’s river has let me down!
    Sadly, I returned from its banks;
    My thirst unquenched

    I am unable to sail its waters;
    My boat has lost its compass,
    The shores are far and out of sight

    I love you, dear girl, in spite of my deprivation.
    My heart never so fondly throbbed for another

    I spend my days choked by my own intense longings.
    Spare me the agony of recalling to memory
    What to the past belongs

    Your feverish reprove has oppressed my heart,
    Already miserable by prolonged pain

    Your innocence is like that of a little girl’s
    Whose dreams are by sadness unmarred

    Help bring back to me my lost tranquility,
    And be gentle with my heart when alone we meet

    She answered:

    Don’t rush to conclusion, my poet!
    Age and ages are irrelevant to love,
    It is ever unconscious of them

    It is beyond all the laws
    That man’s imagination elaborately fashioned

    Never will love bind itself with such rules.
    Never will they stand in the way of its arrows
    When they target our hearts and hit the mark

    Love’s effects are ever the same at all stages,
    Your interpretation, my poet
    Has not been correct on this one

    Poetry is made tender by love
    Whose soft and sweet tunes
    Enrapture the whole universe.

    Love adds a magic touch to beauty.
    It makes charm more attractive.
    It moves the soul of the one
    Whose ingenious creativity
    We heartily appreciate

    The heart unreservedly seeks love.
    And enjoys throbbing in its meadows

    Love crosses every barrier.
    No one can stem its flow,
    Nor stay its irresistible flood

    Its happy tales are engrossing!
    They recount the blissful moments lovers share,
    The glorious charm it adds to their world

    Our blood, however, never quenches the heart’s thirst
    When love’s passions are suppressed,
    And its longings denied



    #amartohamy #poetry #writing

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