The Monster We Conquer, Audio Poetry Blog.

in poetry •  3 months ago

    The Monster We Conquer

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    Hello, Hivelander. Thank you for clicking in. I invite you to check our my audio blog where I will read to you what follows. I promise you, if nothing else you will find it soothing. But of course if you prefer to read, scroll on past the link and get call book nerdy. I love you anyways.

    Link to Audio Blog

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    The Sylph Sings

    a fiery, fickle, and shifting façade
    keeps would-be explorers and pilgrims
    at bay, their desires turned elsewhere

    there are easier landing sights
    other virtues to be claimed
    alluring and dusty glory
    where the red will flow
    for those who wish to be first
    the god of war is surprisingly easy
    to pillage and plunder

    where’s the fun of planting a flag
    in a sizzling mist, where no one can see
    your pole unfurl and flap
    you can’t colonize the clouds
    grasp the sublimated, mechanize the molten

    good luck remoulding tephra and ash
    to the whims of order and utility
    the goddess of love…
    remains aloof and untouchable

    yet in her isolation
    the sylph sings
    a beguiling but elusive siren
    a coy trickster
    she writhes a syncopated serpentine
    weaves silky ribbons and stays
    not to be unlaced

    bathed by solar tempests
    galvanized in the heat
    Venus forges an ethereal
    but unforgiving shield
    bruising and scalding the clutches
    of would-be voyageurs and conquistadors


    The Sylph in my little space-inspired poem is our neighbour planet, Venus. Before we could see through the opalescent planetary gem's atmosphere, those inclined to space travel dreamed of setting foot, fingers, and toes on the soil of the Roman Goddess of Love's namesake. Alas, in the case, not only does love hurt, it burns and incinerates. Venus despite being farther away than Mercury from the sun, is the hottest planet, literally. With her thick and smothering atmosphere and volcanic activity, she keeps her hotness to herself. Mars on the other hand, who is ironically, named after the Roman God of War, is much easier to conquer. The answer to the proverbial Frost query ... fire or ice ... the astronomical engineer types choose ice. Living tundra-adjacent as I do, I see fire as the bigger flex.

    But be it the steamy or the icey, we all like to pursue the unobtainable, from time to time. Here on Earth, we got more flow, curents, and depth than we know what to do with ... and I am not just talking about our oceans. There is something about the pursit of leivathans, new lands, and greater depths and distance, that has a very sneaky way of teaching us about ourselves. The irony, it is only when we cease to chase, explore, and capture do we get to enjoy what we uncovered. But where is the narrative and excitement in that.

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    The White Whale

    The white whale, a ghost upon la Mar Corazon
    Armed with harpoons, forged by Eros, honed by Mars
    Lulling the swimmer to sleep with its song
    Drowning with the immensity of its wake

    Turning depths from calm to tempest to icy doldrums
    Once felt, the white whale won’t be forgotten
    Water-logged with longing or barnacled with hate
    Alas, just like Ahab, you have no choice but to follow

    A maritime will-o-wisp, shifting, submerging
    A phantom on a silvery, sinking horizon
    The white whale, glimpsed by those who can but gaze
    Offered, but like a fist full of brine, forever out of reach.

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    If you listen to me on a regular basis, you know that I believe we are all connected, not just our physical form, through the energy and the subatomic, but that our minds are connected as well; that means there is no separation between you and me, our allies, or even our enemies. Now I don't mean to say that you should put up with hideous behaviour .. unmask and defang the monsters, especially those masquerading as saints ... but understand whatever made them a monster, whatever made them cruel and selfish, create false barriers, exists in you as well, to some degree. Or you would not recognize it in another. For some reason that which makes us cruel was concentrated in them and caused them to conquer and colonize, rather than nurture and empower.

    You see it in them, not so you can become an activist, but so that you may dissolve it in you. So when power flows to you, as you enlighten, it will, you allow the power to flow and redistribute, do not impede the power, lose your beauty, and become a gorgon, that is a Medusa, to be sure you do not lose yourself to the monsters you fight.


    From Nightmares to Lucidity

    a tide away
    from the sea
    of lucid dreaming
    is a range of shifting shoals

    moonlight and waves
    shadows and starlight
    create a world of illusions

    the voice inhabiting the ribbed-sands
    will tell you
    you have awakened
    the realm you have emerged from
    was imaginary
    imaginary and full of monsters

    turn back
    fight the leviathans and gorgons
    it demands, or fall asleep again

    wake-up the sleeping beauties
    and somnambulist narcissists
    before they fall deeper still
    into the sinuous grasp of serpents

    enemies are everywhere
    reject and fight
    hide or flee

    go ahead
    feed terror and anger
    joust with windmills
    save the world

    I ask you
    how can you be awake
    if you are still living a nightmare

    all existence is based on illusions
    the perceptions and preferences
    the fears and insecurities
    of beings contained
    within the formless mind

    sub-atomic space
    collisions and contrast
    experienced as solid

    who do you save
    when the tentacled limb
    you lob up is your own
    the connection unseen and ethereal

    how will you run
    when there is no solid land
    to find firm footing
    no place
    outside yourself

    you are only ever dreaming
    you have gained awareness
    when your enemies
    have transformed from foes
    to creatures of wonder

    ask yourself
    why do you create this way
    perhaps then
    you might truly wake-up
    and soon discover
    there is no need to

    shift your reality
    from nightmares
    to lucidity

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    Words and Images are my own.

    The Sylph Sings is published in Domesticate the Heaves. The White Whale is published Strays. From Nightmare to Lucidity is published in Monsters, Avatars, and Angels. All titles are available in paperback or digital through amazon and your local libraries and bookstores. Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.








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