Stardust (An Original Poem)

in poetry •  3 months ago

    This symbiotic
    loop, it's
    so often lost
    in translation,

    The time has
    now passed
    for empty worship,
    our only choice
    is to rebuild
    what’s broken
    inside of us,
    deep work will
    create the
    deepest of worth,

    So keep going,
    explore, let yourself
    stumble into truth,
    again and again,
    feel the sharpness
    of its pain,
    then the pleasure
    of its joy
    as it washes over,
    as it changes you,
    that’s all that
    ever mattered,

    This how we
    keep those demons
    from shouting down
    our better angels,

    It's now a race
    against time,
    we're threadbare, with
    a thousand yard stare,
    scuffed shoes,
    swimming in this soup
    of visceral clues,
    each of us
    are the same,
    we are only stardust,
    little pieces of
    a Universe
    trying so desperately
    to understand itself.

    ~Eric Vance Walton~

    Be well and make the most of this day. Thank you for reading!

    (Gif sourced from

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