“New Path”

in poem •  26 days ago


    A blank canvas, that’s how I would describe my journey
    Allowing myself to accept what life has to offer
    Giving me the chance to rebuild what is lost in the past
    A life that I wished for myself to have

    I’m painting a new life that will represent who I am
    A careful drawing of lines that is shaping my journey
    In this path that I chose, everything is going to be a test
    Every steps are made with caution against pitfalls

    I will always make mistakes and fail along the way
    Not all chances that were given to me will be fulfilled
    The life that I had has become a game of hide and seek
    Relieving me with all of the confusion of the past that was ended

    I care for the future that is upon me
    A life that will never be the same because of the choices I made
    My actions will change everything that my past has lead me
    A new direction towards a future that I dream for myself to have.


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