Full of Beans

in pic1000 •  2 months ago

    All you need is a bit of marketing, you'll see once I've done the job no one can tell the difference between real and made up. I create your history, the news, and your site and before you know it you are old royalty and well known. Wanna bet? Just don't spill the beans.
    He was sure he could arrange it, it was a piece of cake. Modern men were easy to fool if it came to news and VIPs.


    House on Fire! Shouted the headline in the Sun day after, the gossip paper hunting for news about VIPs. One word had been enough to trigger their fantasy and make up a story people worldwide would speak about even without proof of being alive. He grinned it went exactly like planned. The photoshopped photos fabricated by the paper didn't look bad at all. He studied the picture closer while following the sunbeam pointing at a small window.

    It was as if he saw a pedestrian crossing in it, that and... A face! Was it his client? Coincidence or real? Should he call her to inform if she was still around, safe and sound in her bed? He grabbed his phone sent a text but she didn't respond, he called but the line was dead. In his car on the way, he wondered what happened was this what they called the boomerang effect? Both hadn't cashed out yet.
    The apartment complex she lived in... all left of it was a smoking pile of brick stones, ashes and trash. Trash always seems to be hard to get rid of, he thought, once back he shouldn't forget to put the garbage outside. How could stones even set fire?

    Share the love if you have some man, said a teenager. He sounded stoned and pointed at the corner where flowers, stuffed animals and drawings piled up. Yeah, it's to memorize those who lost their lives. Great you arrived in time dude are you family or friend the ceremony will start in an hour and after that, we'll walk through the area well more the street to show our grief, I mean the love, well you know we're all busy and need to be home in time. Life goes on man, we ain't dead yet.

    What happened, how is this even possible? Is this the result of my corruption he liked to know but the teenager he'd been talking with seemed to have vanished in thin air.

    They went extinct, that's all a man with the looks of a tram conductor popping up out of the blue said. It's nature we all die, don't feel obliged to be present at the ceremony no one cares who walks that lane does it out of neglect or shame.


    Poor me he thought and poor me she thought as she finally saw the light. Where was it they had taken her to and why was it that phone didn't work? Isn't that the point of a phone, she yelled while throwing it against the wall. Exhausted she sank on the floor. The prom sucked but this was even worse. What was this place? It smelled like a dungeon. She bumped into the piled bedding and could use a nap, her head hurt, once awake this all would turn out a prank, a big mistake or a bad dream. She tried to climb but her dress was in the way and something dropped on the floor as she ripped the cloth. Marbles of clay or... peas?
    The window wasn't too small to crawl through but she wasn't strong enough to remove the bars and couldn't see what was down there.
    It sucks to be a princess, she thought, what was I thinking to ask that idiot to pave my path.

    A plop on the top of her head, a green bean. Where did it come from? She stared at the ceiling, nope, no beanstalk hitting on her but what Jake did she could do too.
    She took the bean, dropped a kiss on it and while lifting her skirts she said: Go, grow strong and tall and don't forget to get me out of here.

    She threw the bean outside and hoped for the best and while resting her head against the matrasses she didn't hear the camera zoom in and out. It was time to broadcast the next episode.


    Header/Photogrid: Canva
    Picture: AI-generated by me - 
    I am a mobile phone user only

    All prompts provided by @daily.prompt
    Picture: #pic1000

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