A picture is worth a thousand words : The Bold Princess.

in pic1000 •  4 months ago


    Warm Greetings Hiveans!! So many interesting stories for the above pictureprompt, from different authors are being published here. If you would like to be a part of this interesting prompt, please go ahead with this link

    What I see:
    A calm face of a young girl dressed in her best with long beautiful hair, raises her hands towards the sky, while a light flashes theough her hand.

    What I feel:
    Looks like she is expecting a magical wish.

    A short story:
    A town called Hazzle is always busy, with people being always occupied with one or other job.

    The town was ruled by an incapable King who always made promises to the people, but has never fulfilled them. He had an beautiful intelligent daughter,the princess, who was in constant touch with the people. She was young and daring unlike her father.

    Everything went on smoothly, when one fine morning something strange happened. To everybody's surprise most of the livestock were deàd. And this kept on continuing , until almost all the livestock of the town disappeared.

    The people were in fear as nobody was aware of what was going on. Once the livestock was over, the next target was the people. The population started declining. The frustrated people could not take it any more, so they approached the king.

    Às the whole town was curiously waiting, the king decided to get a priest. The priest immediately said, it was a giant who travels only at night to satisfy
    his hunger and sleeps at daytime.

    When the King asked for a solution, the priest said only an unmarried young girl with supernatural power can combat with the giant. And an attempt to kill should be done only durng day time, because the giants eyes become invisible at day.

    Inorder to get the power, the girl has to conduct one month regular prayer in the early hours of morning. And passed on some secret verses to the King.

    The King was in a dilemma as to who could take this huge responsibility. Seeing her father's plight, the bold Princess came forward to help. Though the King hesitated and refused in the beginning, he later agreed, due to the decline of the number of his cointry people, day by day.

    Now the princess, as promised started to perform regular prayer with the verses provided by the priest. Finally on the last of the month, came the unexpected, a super natural power from the hidden clouds in the form of spark.

    And the very next morning, With this power she made the impossible happen. She killed the giant who roared in pain and the whole town came to apeace from then on.

    This is purely a fictional story. Hope you enjoyed reading it. Thankyou for your visit.

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