Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #784 - by Allmonitors

in photosoftheday •  3 months ago

    #784 - Moments at Bomod Ok Waterfalls.

    Happy Monday evening fellow beautiful Hiveans. Early today I woke up and prepared breakfast for my son who went to school early. I boiled rice and fried a few eggs and then also a Korean spam like which is less salty compared to the American brand. Then after that since it's only five in the morning and my son was already awake and doing his morning exercises, I told him to prep his meal I look after the dog because I will be going to the river for an early jogging. So I walked and got to the river and did a few laps on the jogging path which is made of concrete. I waited for the sunrise and went home walking before seven in the morning. I arrived home and completed almost 12 kilometers of distance. My shirt and short was all sweaty. My mother in law was also washing their laundry that time I arrived and we just washed our laundry yesterday so the wife has folded ours. My wife also went to the gym with her friend before eight in the morning.

    Alright, now for our photos featuring the highlands town of Sagada which is found in Mountain Province. On the same day of our arrival here in this town we immediately ate at a local eatery in their market area. The food is cheap and servings was great. Then after filling our stomach we went to their tourism office so we can hail s ride that will take us to the waterfalls which is some kilometers away from the town. There was a small old van which seems to be from Japan but the brand is not visible. The driver took us and our contract was we pay the ride of back and forth with one thousand pesos.


    The van took of with us four and we made our way to the falls. We used a road going there that is not concrete but rough road. So it took some time before we reached the registration area going to the waterfalls. That's where our driver left us and said to return in the afternoon to pick us up. In the registration area is also where we got our lady guide who will be with us throughout the journey.

    The registration area is actually high in elevation and is almost at the top of a mountain. The path we are going is somehow on a down hill direction and we have to pass by the village of our guide before we can reach the waterfalls and it will take about more than an hour of trek depending on how fast we walk.


    Of course we took as much time as we wanted to make stops to hydrate and also capture the views that we see deemed to be worth taking photos of. Almost every where we look is worth taking photos and worth sharing here.


    We passed by the village of our guide and she also explains the significant area and their traditions from time to time during our trek. That woman has strong legs, she has to wait for us patiently from one spot to another as we rest.


    Then we finally reached the famed Bomod Ok Waterfalls and she took our shots from with this board showing the name of the falls. And of course I have shared our photos already earlier with me and the wife. Thanks to one of one friends who took the shots. The water here is cold and I had chills the first time that I dipped in to the water. There were only few of us when we arrived because it's still early but during the afternoon time is when the numbers of visitors increased a lot.

    Follow me on my nature travels.
    Shot taken in Sagada, Philippines.

    Image/s were shot using Samsung Z5 flip phone. ~rex

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