Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #778 - by Allmonitors

in photosoftheday •  3 months ago

    #778 - Aurora shots for Wednesday.

    A warm evening fellow beautiful Hiveans. I was shirtless the whole day because of the hot and humid temperature we are experiencing. I also saw early morning in the news that there's a proposal to give the heat index a signal number or category just like the typhoons so that everyone is aware if the heat is bearable or not especially when it involves the young ones and the elderlies who are the most susceptible to this heat wave. Also in the morning, my mother in law asked a carpenter to fix some of the roof we have because during the rainy season there's water coming down from some parts of the roof. The carpenter went to the rooftop and inspect the galvanized roof and decided to replace eight of the three decades roof. My mother-in-law asked them to complete it the whole day and the carpenter and his helper were able to do it. Not sure how much my mother in law paid for the labor but she did bought the materials needed. She even cooked for them their lunch meals so they don't need to go to their houses anymore.

    For our daily shots today we have some photos taken when we were in Aurora province which is about a two hour drive from our hometown. We decided to go for a swim in the sea together with our parents so they can also experience the saltwater even just by stepping on the sands and the shallows. We packed at five and got here after seven in the morning, almost eight actually. Then we unload our stuff and the kids who are my nephews, two of them, already went ahead and swim in the shallow water while the rest of us adults started to dig in to the cooked food we brought with us. My youngest brother was the one in charge in cooking the rice and viands which is chicken and pork adobo combined.


    Then after our meal I also opened the watermelon that we got, a huge one which is enough for all of us until the lunch time. The place is cozy and it's not a sunny day when we went here, it was cloudy and there was also a big chance of rain. After eating our breakfast we began to explore the coastal shore all of us except my mother and father who were left at the nipa hut we were staying at. We have accompanied them both in the salt water early on so they could walk on the sands and water but they didn't took a bath.

    The water here is calm and some part of the seafloor has large areas of stones right in front of the resort we were staying at. But on the left part of the shoreline the sea floor is already made up of sands so that's where we stayed at and swim. Then we also explore the sands where there are coconut trees and notice the sands have burrows and found these kind of insects deep into those burrows. We used to play with these insects and according to Google these are called antlion insect. It start from this stage until it evolve to a critter with wings.


    It was a rest day for the fishermen because they go to the sea during night time to catch fish and at day time is when they go back to the shore to sell their caught fish to buyers wholesale or retailers. Most of the fishermen go to wholesale buyers instead of selling it per kilos to retailers because they don't have time for that they need to rest too. So the wholesale vendors are the ones benefiting from it.

    And finally just me caught in this frame chilling in a shallow calm sea water. My wife and I spent some time to relax also because it's been a while since we dipped into a saltwater.

    Follow me on my nature travels.
    Shot taken in Dinadiawan Aurora, Philippines.

    Image/s were shot using Samsung Z5 flip phone. ~rex

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