Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #782 - by Allmonitors

in photosoftheday •  3 months ago

    #782 - Nature shots in Atok Benguet for today.

    Happy Thursday evening dearest Hiveans. It's almost the weekend already, I was up early because had to prepare breakfast for my son who went to school as usual. My wife also had to logged off from her work that time so it's the same she also needs some breakfast before turning in to bed. Then while still early I washed the polo uniform of my son because he needs an additional one for tomorrow, we only got him three polo uniforms and we just washed those he worn later during the week. The polo is pricey so I believe three is already enough. Then during lunch time we assisted our teammate during an activity and we did it via MSTeams. The activity took some time and we finished beyond three in the afternoon so we had to handover it to the next in line for the afternoon shift. Then after that I went to a store to buy faucet because one of the faucet we have in the kitchen is leaking so I had to replaced it, I also bought long nose plyer and one teflon.

    For our shots today we got here some of the scenic views taken when we went to the northern part of the country where it's cold. We went to visit a flower farm in Atok called Northern Blossom and we got there by riding a bus from the city of pines. It was more than a hour bus ride. We were dropped off right at the entrance of the farm and it was still early at six and there's already numbers of people lining up to the entrance to visit the farm. Majority are coming from the city also those who have cars or chartered cabs are the ones we saw earlier than us riding the bus.

    This is a view in one part of the farm where purple cabbages are planted. There's also fog or clouds maybe on those mountains which are faraway. We can also see several people exploring the area of this farm where the cabbages are planted.

    Then I also had a chance to take a photo of this young bud which will soon to bloom i just a matter of time. This could be a kind or variety of dahlia flowers.

    Here we got another photo of rows of healthy purple cabbages which they say are edible according to the person maintaining the farm. They didn't eat it because it's for display to the visitors coming here especially during the weekends, we came here on a weekday and there's a lot of people still.

    Then it was the moment for the wife to have her photos taken. She posed with the sunflowers here and on the next two shots are with the colorful hydrangeas that were blooming. This area where the sunflowers and hydrangeas are is almost at the end of the tour.



    Then there's also these elongated blue or violet kind of flowers which are kind of similar with lavenders. The plants are also in several rows and can grow as much as two feet tall. There were another variety of white flowers amongst it.

    Lastly is this piece of architecture art the farm has built in one area where it's facing the Cordillera mountains. They made use of stones to build it and also put the name of their park engraved on the ground.

    Follow me on my nature travels.
    Shot taken in Atok Benguet, Philippines.

    Image/s were shot using Panasonic ZS110. ~rex

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