Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #814 - by Allmonitors

in photosoftheday •  14 days ago

    #814 - Liwliwa Beach of Zambales Shots for Friday.

    Greetings this Friday evening fellow Hivers. It's finally the day we all have been waiting and looking forward to because it's a rest day for most of us and also the time to go out for some, night life and eat out included. Some also prefer going out pf town to unwind and experience life outside the metropolitan even for just a couple of days. Early today I accompanied my son to a photo studio to get his picture taken which is required by their school as part of their graduation pictures for junior high school. The studio that the school chose has bad reviews online already with only one star as it's reputation but that's where the school has agreed to get their students photos taken. We paid atleast ten dollars for the photos which include hard and soft copies already. Then after the shoot in the studio, my son and I went to the nearby university near our place for some walking exercises. My wife had an onsite meeting at her work so she wasn't able to joined us this time. Perhaps tomorrow if the weather is fine.

    Now for our daily shots which were taken in the beach of Liwliwa which is in Zambales, at least a four hour drive from the metropolitan depending on the traffic condition and the time of departure. We went here to spend a one night only after a stressful weekend of work my wife needed a way to clear her mind and she had some spare cash that time so she asked if we can go here and I didn't hesitated since everything was covered. When we arrived it was still early around nine or ten in the morning and the small hut we were staying at was not yet available. We had to wait for an hour before we were allowed to enter. Then we just had our lunch and in the afternoon time is when we went to the sea area and that's when this photo of a group of people were seen riding the banana boat while the strong waves are coming.

    Here's an empty boat which is going to be the one that will pull the banana boat into the deep part of the sea. The people in charge were seen in the upper photo still trying to work in the banana boat with the passengers.

    The afternoon sun was warm and there's no clouds at all during that day so we were grilled under the sun. We used sun screen lotions to minimize the effects getting exposure to the heat.

    Lots of people were here that day even though it was not the weekend time. Many were here vacationing because it was the holidays season.

    Here is a photo showing some of the wide beach front with no trees except nipa huts. The sandy shore is big which is big enough for ATV which is another attraction they offer for ten dollars you can ride the ATV for about thirty minutes.

    Here is a photo of the beach front to our left side. There are many people as we can see. Those group wearing life jackets were lined up to ride the banana boat that we saw earlier. The waves here are strong and is one of the reasons people come here because they wanted to try surfing.

    Just me and the wife after getting salt watered 😅. She didn't enjoy much going to the water because the current was strong on the shallow area and the waves were huge too in the afternoon time but it's opposite in the morning.

    Here we can see a mother walking her young one on the sands while the sea water is just a few steps away. Small kids were also enjoying even just on the shallow part.

    A group of men perhaps friends or a family walking the long sandy beach. They passed by us while we were sitting on the sands waiting for the sun to set.

    This is what the sands here look like. It's not the finest one I have seen, there's large peebles especially on the shallow water where you meet the waves.

    A local man selling some stuff to the visitors coming here. He walked the beach together with his big dog. If I recall correctly it's fish and crabs that he was selling

    Follow me on my nature travels.
    Shot taken in Zambales, Philippines.

    Image/s were shot using Samsung Z5 flip phone. ~rex

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