My big prom night

in photographylovers •  3 months ago

    So last year I had prom night. I was very excited about it because I love going to big events. The first and most important questions before prom night were what I was going to wear, what my hairstyle was going to be and how I was going to dress up.



    As for clothes, I first decided on a dress and bought it, until the last moment I decided to change my mind. Thank God the dress was not expensive at all, because if it had been, I don't believe my mother would have allowed me to change what I was going to wear. It was very tense what I was going to wear because I wanted to be perfect and unique so that everyone would notice me. I looked at different dresses and went to many stores, but I didn't like anything. I was disappointed and sad because I thought that I would not find anything and that I would have to go in that dress that I had already bought, but knowing myself, I knew deep in my soul that I would not give up on my goal. I remembered a store and went to see if there was anything I would like.


    Aaaand, I finally saw this beautiful green set. When I saw it, I fell in love with it. It was so beautiful at first sight that I had to try it. I put it on and it fit me as if it had been made for me personally. I liked the green color the most because it is very striking and because it matches my eyes. I wanted to burst with happiness because I finally found the perfect piece of clothing for prom.


    The heels and purse were a small problem, because not everything goes well with the color green. In the end, believe it or not, I decided on pink heels and a pink purse, because in order to be unique, I had to create some color contrast. At the beginning, I was a little unsure about the combination of green and pink, because it is not a common combination, but I stuck with that decision because I had to step out of my comfort zone. You can see that my friend also wore a similar outfit that she bought in the same store as me. I wanted to buy that one first, but I think this green set suits me better.


    As for the make-up, I did it at the professional make-up artist Kika, since I am also her model, as I mentioned in one of the previous posts. It would have been stupid if I had gone to have my make-up done by another make-up artist. Certainly, I trusted her the most because she has done my makeup before and knows what I like and what I don't.

    When I went to the prom, everyone was amazed at how I dressed and did my makeup. I was definitely not wrong with the outfit, because everyone praised it.


    Prom was a lot of fun. We all danced to the music, had fun and talked. Some even cried at the end, because everyone goes their own way. It was a bit sad because we will never be in the same classroom again.


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    I hope you enjoyed this post. I enjoyed making it and sharing it with you fulfills me in a way. Greetings until the next post. I wish you a lot of love and happiness, Sara.

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