Hive Philippines Street Photography #779 - by Allmonitors

in photography •  3 months ago

    #779 - Monochrome for Tuesday.

    Happy day of valor fellow Hiveans. It's a holiday today here in the country commemorating the heroism of our valiant soldiers during the world war 2 wherein they fought against the Japanese imperial army when Bataan falls against the occupiers which led to the Bataan death march. Our generation is now seems to be on the brink of another world war because of what's happening around the world but hopefully it doesn't lead to that because there will be no winners at all. It was also a chill shift until I logged off at three in the afternoon and then went out before five to the river for some quick walks and then went back home before it got dark.

    Alright, let's move on to our daily shots and we have here our first monochrome showing a person, who has an umbrella on their back, about to pickup something on the ground. I reckon that it could be a plastic wrapper or some sort of waste that was not thrown properly in the waste bins that are found in most corners of the park. Kids without manners are usually the culprits who are doing this. As we can see there is a drum already on the right side which could be a waste bin also where you can drop your trash. The man standing talking to the lady beside him saw me taking a photo, he has this big mole in his right cheek.

    We have here three ladies walking on the road side instead on the pedestrian gutter which is close to the cordoned off walling because there is an ongoing construction. This area is near the post office of this city and it is undergoing renovations, there was a multi-purpose building here but they demolished it to give way to the construction of a small park just below the post office area to give the place a more friendly atmosphere to the locals and so as the tourists that visit their city.

    Another scene at a small park going to the city hall wherein two ladies walking by two couples who are sitting on the concrete benches. The sweet couples were using their umbrellas as shed from the small amount of heat because it was a cloudy day but still the sun beams some light. There's plenty of trees here so using an umbrella is actually not necessary but just an option for those who are taking care of their skins very well.

    Lastly we have here a young man who is a student in one of the universities in this city particularly the University of the Cordillera. All the schools here in the central business district are actually walking distance and there's no need to ride cabs because it's cold so no way that the students will perspire except maybe during the middays of summer times. There's a bystander on his left who was also looking at me and another man walking behind the young man.

    Follow me on my street travels.
    Shot taken in Baguio City, Philippines.

    Image/s were shot using Panasonic Lumix ZS110. ~rex

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