Principle of the Day

in photography •  13 days ago

    Principle: 'We are what we think.'


    ....Photography and Editing by Bleujay...





    'Is Life, A Bowl of Cherries or is Life, The Pits?'



    Greetings Dear Readers,

    Hope this post finds you well and enjoying your Summer/Winter.

    The Principle... 'We are what we think' one worthy of giving a think. Perhaps resulting in our screening of what goes into our minds...through our hearing, viewing, reading, etc.

    Thank you for dropping by. ^__^

    Kind Regards,


    Principles are timeless truths as relevant today as they were yesterday and will be tomorrow. All for our ponderance.


    Watercolour Painting and Drawing by Bleujay...


    'Should We Watch, The Beautiful Mind?'

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