Hive Philippines Street Photography #813 - by Allmonitors

in photography •  22 days ago

    #813 - Colors for Sunday.

    Gloomy evening of Sabbath dearest Hiveans. I was a bit was early to wake up this morning because I had a shift at six while everyone was still asleep. There's a bit of rain going on but the temperature was still hot until the afternoon time. I was shirtless the whole day because of it. My laptop has also malfunctioned during the midday of my shift because it's really hot, the air flowing from the electric fan is also hot. I thought my laptop is going to expire but fortunately after force shutting it down, it eventually worked after I made it rest for a couple of minutes. Imagine, even electronics devices are slowing down what more when people are exposed to this kind of heat index that's too hot and unbearable. I also drank a lot of water because of this hot weather.

    Now for our daily shots in colors this time, we got here a scene showing a man in his late fiftees I think. He was wearing a very interesting denim because it has different variations in colors and trim and it's also a six pocket. He was also holding on to his umbrella because of the ongoing rain. He passed by several people including a lady with short blonde hair who is busy counting her money which seems like hundred pesos bills and up. There's also a kid on the far right eating fried quail eggs

    Then here we got a young couple walking together downhill. The man is carrying the small black purse bag of his woman who is wearing a facemask. There's also a father walking with his child's stroller while the kid is there sitting. Not far are three women in different ages, they could be grandma, the mother and daughter.

    A young man rushed to climb the stairs of the overpass which is a key way going go several streets of the city. The man was in a hurry because of the raging thunder and rain. He was luckily using his umbrella but for others who didn't have their umbrellas they have to wait somewhere dry. The man mostly wears blue like his bag, jeans and shirt. His shoes and umbrella are both colorful too.

    Then lastly we have here several people that are continuously walking while under the cover of a green roof while they are beside the jeepney terminal on the roadside. Several of the people are also sitting while waiting for their jeepney ride and some were also standing still. Going somewhere on commute is a challenge here especially during the heavy rain.

    Follow me on my street travels.
    Shot taken in Baguio City, Philippines.

    Image/s were shot using Panasonic Lumix ZS110. ~rex

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