Another Sunrise. A different camera.

in photography •  3 months ago

    I was yet again awake early this morning. Actually, I felt like I was awake for most of the night; you know that sleep when you feel like you're aware of everything. My sleep monitor suggests about an hour of REM, 21 mins of deep and 4 hours of light sleep.

    I took advantage of being up with the bird song though (well before it), grabbed a couple of cameras and my tripod, and hit the beach. Instead of using my Canon EOS 6D (modern(ish) full frame body), I took the Canon EOS 30D which I've owned since 2006. I used the cheap 18 - 55mm kit lens that cam with the camera.

    The results were OK, but I'm far from delighted with them.

    The first two are my favourite followed by the third. The others are just ... well the others.







    Although I cleaned the camera and lenses yesterday, I've had to do some cropping and healing to hid lots of dirt. I'll have to take some test shots later on today to see if I've been successful. If not it looks like I'll have to find somewhere to do a proper clean.

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