Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #817 - by Allmonitors

in philippines •  23 days ago

    #817 - Sagada Shots for Thursday.

    Greetings fellow Hiveans. We are currently here in the northern part of the country in Ilocos Norte particularly in Saud which is a beach shoreline. We left the house yesterday evening around eleven and fetch a friend along the way coming to join us for a two night stay. The trip was long and I was the only driver so I was sleepless until now. I only relied with RedBull energy drink to kept me awake for about twelve hours on the road. We had to make stops to eat and also for comfort like taking a leak. We arrived at around two in the area my wife booked for us to stay for two nights. We stopped by Vigan Ilocos to ate breakfast and for lunch just along the road where it's already near our destination. It was kind of local cuisines that we ate because we wanted to try their food which are one of the best in the north.

    Now for our daily shots we got here some photos when we went to see the sunrise in Kiltepan peak of Sagada. This is the next morning when we were about to go home before lunch. We first decided to go see the sunrise as it will unfold. There's three of us that came here to see the spectacle. Thanks to our friend who took this photo with the sunrise and the clouds blanketing the mountains surrounding us.

    I also stood over the top of these spiky rocks which are sharp not kidding aside. A wrong step and I could get my self hurt in the process so I had to be very careful standing up while the wife took this photo. Balancing is quite a challenge on this one.

    The summit where we and dozens of other people were standing and observing is a private property and there's this fence they have installed to keep away the people from going beyond that which is alreya cliff going to the rice terraces hundreds pf meters down.

    The lovely wife just doing her thing which is selfie all the time when she has the chance.😂

    This shot shows the wife once again and down below is the rice terraces I was talking about early on. The plantation has been harvested already and just waiting for the next season of planting. It's a great addition to the overall composite of the photo while the sun was rising up.

    This just me while and darkness is being overtaken by the day light.😉

    Follow me on my nature travels.
    Shot taken in Sagada, Philippines.

    Image/s were shot using Samsung Z5 flip phone. ~rex

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