Who Are Pharma Ads For?

in pharma •  3 months ago


    Pharmaceutical companies are the number one advertisers on television, and those ads work for them marvelously--not because they entice viewers to purchase their drugs. The viewers cannot purchase pharmaceutical drugs--they need a prescription from a doctor.

    If you watch the advertisements, they are terrible. They do not make you want to take the drugs. They're often vague, just showing people walking on a beach or playing tennis or something innocuous like that. Then they spend at least half the ad listing all the terrifying side effects of the drug. There's never been a single person who has actually enjoyed watching a pharmaceutical commercial. Everybody hates them--yet they continue to air. Why? Because pharma ads are not for the television viewers.

    The purpose of pharmaceutical advertisements is to pay the media networks who air them. So whenever criticism comes against those pharmaceutical companies, the media will defend them and say all that criticism of "Big Pharma" is "dangerous misinformation" and "conspiracy theories."

    The corporate media is happily carrying water for these multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical companies and make it seem like they're just "following the science." But no, they're following the money--the money they received from those same pharmaceutical companies.

    The pharma companies pay off the media to help convince the public that they are good. And it works--as long as the public trusts the media. Thankfully more and more people are waking up. Hopefully RFK Jr. can clean up the corruption in the medical industry and make America healthy again.

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