Day to take care of my cockatiels

in pet •  4 months ago

    Today, like every Sunday, is general cleaning day for the aviary where my cockatiel couple lives.
    Every Sunday morning I take a broom, a dustpan and scrub the floor of my cockatiel's cage thoroughly, cleaning out the rest of the seeds that accumulate on the floor during the week, as well as their waste.
    At first they were surprised by my entry into their area, but over time they got used to it and collaborated with me and we have a relationship of trust and friendship.
    From a very early age I started to love cockatiels from the moment I found one on the side of the road and took it home. From then on I started to become more and more interested in these beautiful flying animals.
    The following photos share some of my Sunday cleaning for them, such as sweeping the nursery, cleaning the water trough and adding new water, placing the seeds previously selected for them and also giving them a little attention.








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