Starting Session 0 (Again)

in personal •  4 months ago


    Diving into Dungeons and Dragons

    I want to write you a beautifully formatted, spell checked post. I do. But the first session starts in about forty minutes and I want dinner, which might be a repeat of this showing. I found another crew to roll the dice with, this time with a formerly professional Dungeon Master? Game Master? I am slipping up with the lingo, though I figure I will get the hang of it very soon. I want to share the adventures with the story-telling and gaming communities here, but I won't post every episode and borrow all my readers to death. It's a real pity Nimrod won't resurface, an adventurer with a story I was proud to write, wasted on the petty disagreements of the emotionally unintelligent, but that's neither here nor there. Speaking of being a subject matter expert, Wednesday brings the "final exam" for the training portion of my job. Now, I would like to play this off like any other day at work, but it has real stakes: if you fail to pass with a score of 80 twice, you will not be asked to stay with the company.


    Annihilating Test Anxiety

    I don't know about anyone else, but exams actually cause me to perspire more. My body competes physically with challenges, even if they're only mental. I channel my thinking and shift my perspective on it, however. Bruce Lee recommended something like that, I once read and I haven't viewed my nerves the same way ever since. He said to look at it as your body anticipating and preparing rather than dreading the upcoming confrontation. Yet, I won't rely on my body alone to conquer this task. I am reviewing all my work beginning tonight. Open notes or not, 50 questions might prove very daunting to the unsuspecting and unprepared. I began saving questions I didn't answer correctly from weekly quizzes, as well as the results from a mock mid-term given in previous years for training. It's a powerful resource, but by itself, it means nothing. Its true capability will shine once I sit down in front of my device and pore over the various terminology. I'm hoping to sleep well after studying each night in order to consolidate. This is one quest that has to come back a success. I think a proper assessment both humbles and humors your efforts. It's no exaggeration to say my livelihood is on the line, and I'm gonna live it up.


    Reflecting On The Road Ahead

    I noticed the charts of crypto assets climbing up and to the right. My friends are cementing their relationships with covenants and state ordinances. I finally landed a job. I cannot describe this feeling- I faced so much, in my opinion, and came out alive. I mean, my parents wanted to sell their home while my siblings and I still lived in it. My brother survived an accident in 2018 that nearly took his life. I met someone special and poured my heart out only to have it reciprocated. I am staking my claim on digital business and photography one step at a time. I think a younger Kyle would be proud to see how far he has gone, even if it involved detours and pit stops. Hell, I have had to walk on this long road we call the journey. I never hitchhiked, and still owe people a lot for what they've done for me. That's exactly why, while I'm happy with the progress, I'm nowhere near where I want to be. There is no time for looking back and marveling, though there is not a rush. I am approaching what is meant for me at the right pace, so long as I don't let up, don't slow down. I invite you all to comment on things you were pleased to accomplish this far into the year, we've almost reached a quarter of the way. Even if you don't chime in, I hope you continue to follow my work, wherever it may go.

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