Find Myself In Front Of Another Deadline

in personal •  3 months ago

    The Same Scenario, A Month Later

    I'd normally like to dive into skill I am practicing at the moment like copywriting. It's coming a long nicely. All the fledgling communities coming up with coins want the same thing. They need a storyteller.

    Everyone would tell their story, if only they could. They fear they can't, always wanting an improved upon way of saying things. My past has taught me this. Nothing sounds better than the truth.

    I think not everyone knows their truth.


    Launch Is In 2 Days... Again

    The last time I wrote this, I didn't expect delays. In development, one can expect delays. Now, with the delay over, we're in the same situation of a month ago. There are items, only recently defined, that need doing.

    I oughta switch gears to my book about team management/planning because working with so many people isn't easy. I feel bad because people are paying the wrong guys for the wrong things.

    If only emotions didn't run so hot, we could just cut the unproductive people out. It's been a real dance trying to leverage someone who seems to waste value and time. I'm not discouraged, just really set on turning my path into a valuable one.

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