What Makes a Good Meme? Pepe Community Update 🐸🌠✨

in pepe •  3 months ago

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    What makes a meme funny? What makes a meme memorable and enjoyable? To answer that question, I'll need to take you back to the olden golden days of web 1.0.

    Memes were born during the era of Web 1.0 and started as demotivational poster parodies, troll face, the overexcited girlfriend meme, Scumbag Steve and the Goosebumps Girl. These classic meme names will immediately bring images to your head if you grew up during the advent of the internet and had an AOL CD and dialup connection. Memes have evolved to dank memes, 4Chan memes and just funny personalized memes made using meme generators including Imgflip.

    Today, we make memes for everything. What makes a meme funny?

    A meme must be pointed, timely, sussinct and easy to identify with. Take r/meirl for instance. Each meme there is relateable and many show old products and shows us 40 something's can relate with and to. So when you enter the meme contest, remember all the epic memes that came before your meme. You're joining in the long tradition of success in the memeosphere.

    Thanks for your support @pepetoken @definethedollar @ironshield @kenny-crane 🐸

    Keep playing Terracore. Join me in my epic battles and struggles in the game I love on the Hive blockchain.

    Feels good man 🐸

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