Birds and Frequencies

in palnet •  4 months ago

    Hey dear Hive community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my contribution and hope you are able to have a relaxing weekend! In this post, I would like to discuss an interesting topic and hope you are able to learn new things.

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    Here you can see pictures of an enchanting bird which is also known as Great tit or scientifically Parus Major and I would like to use these pictures to talk about birds and frequencies. When we hear the sound of birds we perceive different frequency ranges and there are numerous different influences that can affect the frequency and it was found that a important factor is the nature of the bird and smaller birds usually sing in higher frequencies while heavier ones have lower ones. There are also views that the living space has an influence on it and when birds live closer together communicate with other frequencies and the gender also plays an important role and female birds have usually a lower spectrum. Roughly it can be said that the average frequency is in a range of 500 - 8000 Hz and there are also some species that communicate with far higher frequencies and also other influences such as illness can cause the sound to have different vibration and also the volume of the environment has an influence. Interesting is the range in which birds themselves perceive frequencies and most species are different from humans who perceive up to 20000 Hz, birds are only able to perceive 1000 - 7000 Hz and interesting is that some nocturnal species are often able to perceive higher frequencies. Some people use ultrasonic waves to defend against birds and here it is important to mention that some of these devices transmit frequencies that the birds cannot perceive and are therefore often unusable for these purposes and it has also been found that birds react to radio waves and can change their behavior under the influence of it. It is assumed that there are over 10,000 different types of birds worldwide and all have their own sounds and anyone who is in nature next time should definitely pay attention to the enchanting musical interaction of the different species and finally I would like to link here one of my last contributions where I have already mentioned what effect birds can have on the subconscious.



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    Thanks a lot for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about this interesting topic! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.

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