Group Violently Destabilizes Host Countries, Region, Wonders Why No One Wants Them

in palestinians •  4 months ago

    Experts struggled to name a repressive, murderous dictator with whom Palestinian leaders have not made common cause.

    Rafah, March 26 - Members of a population notorious for sowing chaos and civil strife wherever its national movement plants its headquarters voiced bewilderment again today that amid the current war, other nations in the area refuse to accept them even as temporary refugees.

    Palestinians expressed their wonder on Tuesday that despite the saturation of media with the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza, none of the neighboring Arab countries have offered to take in Palestinians fleeing the carnage, despite the only drawback to having large numbers of Palestinians within one's borders, history indicates, being the destabilizing effect it produces, resulting in civil war, terrorism, and sectarian clashes.

    "Black September was fifty years ago," complained a displaced resident of the northern Gaza Strip, now in Rafah, referring to an attempted coup d'état in Jordan by the Palestine Liberation Organization, which took up residence in Lebanon, feeding tensions there that soon erupted in a civil war from which the country has never recovered.

    "That was such a long time ago - can't they just let go?" he continued, pondering why those host countries would remain suspicious after all this time of a movement based entirely on generations-old grudges and addressing those grievances through violence.

    The one Arab country that borders the Gaza Strip, Egypt, has maintained steadfast refusal to accept Gazans fleeing the Hamas-Israel war, even beefing up its border defenses since October 7. The Sisi regime argues that accepting refugees would amount to facilitating ethnic cleansing, a rationale that has never applied to any conflict not involving Israel.

    More distant states, such as Kuwait, continue to speak in stark anti-Israel terms while still barring Palestinians who wish to escape the violence. Kuwait expelled its robust Palestinian population after Saddam Hussein of Iraq invaded the Persian Gulf oil emirate in 1990 "in the name of Palestine," only to be steamrolled in the resulting war against a US-led coalition. Thus tarred, and with many giving full-throated support to the Iraqi dictator's naked imperialism, Palestinians faced expulsion from Kuwait.

    In fact, experts struggled to name a repressive, murderous dictator with whom Palestinian leaders have not made common cause: the Assad family, Saddam Hussein, Vladimir Putin, the ayatollahs of Iran, the various leader of the USSR from Stalin onward, Gamel Nasser, Moammar Qaddafi, Recep Erdogan, Omar Bashir, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un, and various Eastern Bloc nations during the Cold War, just to name a few.

    It remains a wonder, acknowledged numerous Palestinians.

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