The Jewish Corpses Didn't Resist, So It Wasn't Rape

in palestinians •  4 months ago

    by Muhammad El-Kurd, Palestine activist and commentator

    New York, March 18 - We've all had quite enough of the over-the-top descriptions of Hamas actions on October 7. The Zionist narrative has become so pervasive and has colonized the media, so that all one hears in relation to that date is about Palestinian brutality and depravity, with only marginalized but brave voices questioning the dishonest framing about Hamas "raping even the corpses" near Gaza. It's not rape because the bodies didn't resist. I can't believe so many people don't understand that.

    You can talk all you want about beheadings, mass murder, and other acts of legitimate resistance, but we cannot ignore the falsehoods. Those undermine the entire set of Zionist claims. Even the incidents caught on camera show not a single Israeli corpse trying to stop the men having sex with them. They weren't drugged or asleep, either. And they didn't say a word to indicate any refusal! I swear, this feminism thing has gone too far. And now it's being weaponized against Palestinians.

    We should have expected this. Every social and political sin gets wielded against us. No one even lets us hijack airplanes anymore - remember that?! I guess I wonder why I thought things might proceed differently.

    Do not even get me STARTED on the "taboo" against baking a baby to death in the oven while you gang-rape his mother. The baby certainly didn't say "No" either. If that even happened. Like the Holocaust.

    Let's just say it's a little too convenient that Palestinians get photographed waving Nazi flags, call to finish what Hitler started, named stores after Hitler, allied with the Nazis, and film themselves acting like Nazis. We're supposed to believe it when things line up that perfectly? Had to be contrived. Nothing fits EXACTLY like that except by design.

    But back to the "rape" of the corpses. You don't find it suspicious that none of the supposedly raped dead women have given testimony? No, of course you accept the Zionist narrative without question. Even the supposedly "pro-Palestinian" United Nations investigators found no way to maintain skepticism about Israeli women being raped by the heroes of October 7. THAT is certainly too convenient to believe.

    Ask yourself, where did the evidence come from? Forget the eyewitnesses - we know Jews lie. I mean the rest of it. That's right, from the videos that the Hamas people themselves took during the operation. The same Hamas that Israel says lies about everything. "Pallywood."

    You're supposed to believe the fake stuff and dismiss the real stuff! You're doing it all wrong, and playing into Zionist hands!

    Stop using the normal definitions of words. It's anti-Palestinian.

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