Avoid synthetic foods. Here is exactly what they are

in organic •  5 months ago

    Synthetic (aka artificial) foods are simply man-made foods, or natural foods that have been modified wrongly.
    Foods are typically healthier in their pure natural state but when cooked, processed, prepared or reproduced wrongly they tend to lose what makes them natural and become somewhat or completely artificial. Our bodies are designed to handle the natural foods better, but when you feed them things they are not familiar with nor have any means to effectively utilize, they create problems for you.

    The best & right way to prepare any kind of natural food and still maintain its high quality is to prepare it in a manner that does not alter its natural composition and components to such an extent that it becomes harmful to your body when eaten, but if you are not sure how to do this, simply stick to the old fashion ways of preparing foods by going all natural, for example, you could prepare yogurt through natural fermentation or by exposing it to natural yeast rather than man-made or factory-made yeast. You could use sunlight rather than machine to dry your foods, use naturally made pots and utensils, cook with completely natural energy sources like charcoal or woods that have not been tainted in anyway with artificial substances, otherwise your foods could be considered somewhat artificially modified.
    The problem with food modification is that if not modified or prepared properly they could become unnatural and harmful to us, but not everyone has the right knowledge for modifying or preparing foods properly, not even the big food companies. You need to have people who are knowledgeable enough in that area to safely modify foods without lowering their qualities or making them harmful for humans. Can we find such people today? I doubt it will be easy. The right ways of food preparation and modification have been corrupted by the wrong kind of knowledge and method we have today. Almost every food eaten is loaded with harmful substances/chemicals or is wrongly modified/prepared in factory or by those who don't know any better. Unfortunately, most people tend to prefer such foods anyway, probably because they are tastier, more appetizing or attractive, but at the cost of causing them all manner of diseases like cancers, diabetes, hbp etc.
    Avoiding synthetic foods and eating wholly natural will do your body a whole lot of good.

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