OCD's Onboarding Program Compilation #126

in onboarding •  6 months ago

    Hello everyone!

    This is a compilation post that will serve as a summary and status of the onboarding program. For those who are late to the party, OCD's onboarding program aims to bring more users to Hive and retain those users through the curation of posts submitted by the onboarders.

    Anyone who's active in Hive is invited to apply as an OCD onboarder. Please see the details of the application process at the end of this post.

    Who Onboarded Whom

    @soy-laloreto onboarded @carlosm095

    Introduce myself: Soy CARLOSM! Hive, ¡EN TUS ZAPATOS! 😎✍ ES/EN

    My name is Carlos Mota. We are 4 siblings, of which I am the second. I grew up in a family with very low resources, only my father was the one who brought food to the house, however, my mother was the one who had the moral weight of our family. She educated us lovingly, but sometimes she was harsh when it came to correcting us. And that was because raising several children at the same time was not easy for her. But in spite of everything, she loved us so much that she always tried to give us the best according to her circumstances. And that marked us as children.

    @soy-laloreto onboarded @arbolaria

    Para que comiencen a conocerme | Introduce Myself 👉🏼 Arbolaria

    My name is Heidy Pino, I am a Zuliana acclimated in Caracas, Venezuela. For more than a year my daughter @/alteramelia has been inviting me to learn more about Hive, I have been waiting, waiting, with the intention of joining at some point and the opportunity came, with concerns, interests and areas that I would like to share by writing about them.

    @indayclara onboarded @jubilantjenny

    The Jubilant Jenny enters the Hive .

    For eleven years, I wake up every weekday being around with students. The interactions that I get from my learners feed my soul. Weird as it is, I am more confident in a crowd of children than adults. It is their innocence and vibrant personalities that heave me towards this taunting yet fulfilling profession. Now, I get to experience this with my multicultural learners here in the State of Arizona, USA. They enlightened me to a whole different perspective. These learners who innocently express their thinking and opinions which sometimes appeared offensive. Yet, upon understanding them, I learned that I am the one who should adjust to their culture. Before starting this journey 3 years ago, I knew this would happen but I was never be prepared for all the cultural differences, both desirable and undesirable, that I had encountered so far.

    @indayclara onboarded @richdreamer

    My Life's Journey A Newbie in Hive

    Hello everyone just call me “rich-dreamer”because I love to dream big for the future of my family. I am married with 4 children and my husband is just an ordinary man but a family oriented man. We live a simple life but a happy one. They are the reasons for my rich dream. I want to provide everything for my family for them to have a comfortable life but I know this is not possible without the guidance of our Almighty God. I am a teacher by profession and promoted last January 3, 2019 to be the School Principal of Secondary Level. And I was assigned far away from my hometown like 31.3 km and 55 minutes travel everyday to and fro. For the will of God I was returned to my hometown 2 years ago. I was assigned last January 7, 2022 at Ilihan Integrated School as their new School Principal. And this is where my assigned station until now. I am happy that for 3 long years that I was struggling for my daily travel finally God hear and answer my prayers.

    @dehai onboarded @thejephte

    My Unique Self: My Self Introduction as a Newbie in Hive

    I am @thejephte and I'm sixteen years old I currently reside in Cebu, the place where all of my life's events took place. Nevertheless, you can just call me Jeph since it's much simpler and that's what a lot of my friends used to call me.

    @wittyzell onboarded @katey-cate

    Lifting myself up from nothingness

    Hi. I'm Cate and this is my introductory story. I'm new to this blogging platform and still learning the workaround. I am a young adult, employed and getting through life in the best way I can. The past 2 years had been tough and I'm still battling my way to emotional healing.

    @edmundochauran onboarded @elsie7e

    (Unsupported https://3speak.tv/embed?v=elsie7e/glkpczxz)

    Elsie7e conoce a Hive (Eng Subbed)

    Saludos comunidad de HIVe, para mí es un placer iniciarme y presentarme como @elsie7e.

    En este espacio vamos a presentar contenido relacionado con el crecimiento personal, motivación, conocimientos gastronómicos, entre otros.


    38former onboarders255

    Please take note that the stats do not reflect the current state of each onboarders as of this time because we are still catching up with this compilation post. The stats will be updated in each compilation post until it becomes up to date with the onboarding initiative.

    Onboarder Application

    OCD's onboarding program is conceptualized to be a powerful mechanism in attracting and retaining new content creators. Since incentives are given to active onboarders, it could be a nice income generation for those who wanted to focus more in inviting new users to Hive. For more information about this program, please refer to this post.

    If you want to be an onboarder, join us in OCD's Discord Server and write your application in #onboarder-application channel. Your application must contain the following:

    1. Your Hive username.
    2. The types of users you will be inviting.
    3. The reason why you want to be part of the onboarding program.

    Once you've applied, there will be a vetting process. We will check your on-chain activity to make sure that you can be trusted. Once you're in, you have the capacity to make an invite link using OCD's account creation token, invite anyone you think is a good addition to Hive with a quick and no SMS required account creation, nominate the posts of your invites through a special channel for curation, and get beneficiary rewards both from the users you've invited, posts like these and more benefits in the future!

    Be warned that you are responsible for your invites. Meaning, their activity reflects on how you mentor them. Any suspicious activity of your invite can be a ground for your expulsion in the program. Make sure that before they start posting in Hive, you already oriented them on the activities to avoid such as plagiarism.

    Be an onboarder now!

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