OCD's Onboarding Program Compilation #128

in onboarding •  5 months ago

    Hello everyone!

    This is a compilation post that will serve as a summary and status of the onboarding program. For those who are late to the party, OCD's onboarding program aims to bring more users to Hive and retain those users through the curation of posts submitted by the onboarders.

    Anyone who's active in Hive is invited to apply as an OCD onboarder. Please see the details of the application process at the end of this post.

    Who Onboarded Whom

    @soy-laloreto onboarded @favilan

    Introduce myself: El comienzo de una nueva experiencia (ESP/ENG)

    I greet you all with great excitement, because this is my first publication in this social network and of course, I will begin by introducing myself. My name is Francisco Javier, I am 26 years old, I am from Venezuela and I am a student of Agronomy Engineering, I live with my mom, my sister and a dog that although she is already old, she has always had the mentality of a puppy, so she is very funny and playful.

    @soy-laloreto onboarded @gabrululu

    Introduce myself: Navegando por nuevos mares, aterrizando en Hive (ESP/ENG)

    My name is Jennifer Gabriela. I live in the city of Lima, Peru. I am 22 years old. My sign is Pisces. I am currently studying engineering, already in the middle of my career. I came here because I've always liked to learn different things. The best way to learn is to teach, and one way to reach more people is through social networks, I see that what is raised within the ecosystem of Hive is very interesting; in addition to raising the originality and earning a little along the way.

    @ayane-chan onboarded @stewr

    Who is Steward?

    Greetings and welcome to my corner of the web. I am Stewart, a dedicated lover of life and the infinite curiosities it contains. You can count on me for posts related to a myriad of subjects. I don't stick to a single genre or niche because I firmly believe in expanding horizons, delving into the depth of various interests and life perspectives. I invite you on this voyage of discovery and exchange of knowledge.

    @intoy.bugoy onboarded @johnfritz246

    Strategic Moves of Life: Navigating Challenges – A Newbie's Self-Introduction

    Good day, Hivers! I’m John Fritz Alegarbes 22 years of age 3rd-year college student pursuing a Bachelor of Science Information Technology in Cebu Technological University Naga Extension Campus (CTU-NAGA). I hold the position of the second son among three siblings in my family, and it's worth noting that our family consists of three brothers, with no sisters.

    @naymhapz onboarded @joushouang

    A quick glimpse of my life

    Hello Hives community! I hope you're doing well. Firstly, I would like to introduce myself. I am Joshua, turned 24, currently living in the Northern part of Cebu. As I grow up, life becomes harder each day, but this doesn't make me sway because I know that those are just challenges that I have to overcome for a brighter future ahead.

    @ayane-chan onboarded @pixie.maya


    Again, Hello I am Maya, the only girl and the cutest member of our family, you don’t need to know how old I am, It’s a secret. Just kidding, I’m 21 years old and I am a third year college student and taking up Teacher Education Major in Filipino. I live in small town and home of Tinabuay Festival, Murcia Negros Occidental. My passion revolves around dancing, photography and editing. My hobbies are listening music, watching drama and doing make-up tutorials.

    @soy-laloreto onboarded @cortezmiguel

    Mi presentación en HIVE, manifestación poética (ESP-ENG)

    My name is Miguel Cortez. And I embrace you from the shores of Cumaná. I am an Economist, MSc and Management Specialist. In addition, I have been a Public Budget Analyst and Instructor for 27 years in the national, state and municipal public sector. I worked as a university professor for 32 years, in several universities, in classrooms, courses, seminars and conferences in most of the national territory.


    39former onboarders255

    Please take note that the stats do not reflect the current state of each onboarders as of this time because we are still catching up with this compilation post. The stats will be updated in each compilation post until it becomes up to date with the onboarding initiative.

    Onboarder Application

    OCD's onboarding program is conceptualized to be a powerful mechanism in attracting and retaining new content creators. Since incentives are given to active onboarders, it could be a nice income generation for those who wanted to focus more in inviting new users to Hive. For more information about this program, please refer to this post.

    If you want to be an onboarder, join us in OCD's Discord Server and write your application in #onboarder-application channel. Your application must contain the following:

    1. Your Hive username.
    2. The types of users you will be inviting.
    3. The reason why you want to be part of the onboarding program.

    Once you've applied, there will be a vetting process. We will check your on-chain activity to make sure that you can be trusted. Once you're in, you have the capacity to make an invite link using OCD's account creation token, invite anyone you think is a good addition to Hive with a quick and no SMS required account creation, nominate the posts of your invites through a special channel for curation, and get beneficiary rewards both from the users you've invited, posts like these and more benefits in the future!

    Be warned that you are responsible for your invites. Meaning, their activity reflects on how you mentor them. Any suspicious activity of your invite can be a ground for your expulsion in the program. Make sure that before they start posting in Hive, you already oriented them on the activities to avoid such as plagiarism.

    Be an onboarder now!

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