OCD's Onboarding Program Compilation #134

in onboarding •  2 months ago

    Hello everyone!

    This is a compilation post that will serve as a summary and status of the onboarding program. For those who are late to the party, OCD's onboarding program aims to bring more users to Hive and retain those users through the curation of posts submitted by the onboarders.

    Anyone who's active in Hive is invited to apply as an OCD onboarder. Please see the details of the application process at the end of this post.

    Who Onboarded Who

    former onboarder onboarded @junseo

    Unveiling the Layers: Getting to Know Me

    Hey there, I'm Jayson, and I invite you to delve into the narrative of my life. Residing in Tarlac, Philippines, I am Jayson Delos Santos Pascua, a 24-year-old with a plethora of interests, including cooking, gardening, and exploring new destinations.

    former onboarder onboarded @ehlle-07

    1st Blog- Grasping every step: Celebrating life's journey

    Hello there! Newbie on the go! My name is Loida Ebbes and I was born in the strawberry capital of the Philippines, La Trinidad Benguet. I’m the 11th and youngest child in our family. I have seven brothers and three sisters. Life was hard and tough specially that I wasn’t born with a gold and silver spoon. While studying, I had to stay with my siblings who were married in order for them to pay for my school fees and allowances until I finished my studies. Right now, I am happily married to my husband Kenneth Bryan Ebbes. We tied the knot during the pandemic and it would be another story to tell.😍

    former onboarder onboarded @lailteor-badki

    Discovering Me: Exposing the Layers of My Personality

    Hi....I'm @lailteor-badki, 48 years old, a mother of 6 kids and living in mountains of Benguet. My dialects are Ibaloi, Kankanaey, Ilokano, Tagalog and English.

    @edmundochauran onboarded @keydark

    Mi comienzo el la plataforma Hive

    My name is Engels, it is a pleasure to introduce myself. I am from the state of Sucre Cumaná Venezuela, I tell you that I had a relatively pleasant childhood, we had good and bad days with any family. My grandmother was like my mother my grandfather my father. My family nucleus consisted of my mother my aunt my grandmothers and 3 cousins. My mother left me in the care of my grandparents. When I was 7 years old actually after she married my sister's father there was a rupture between us which 13 years later we were healing.

    @edmundochauran onboarded @orismargc


    Hola amigos de esta linda comunidad @Hivearte espero que hayan tenido un lindo fin de semana, paso a compartirles esta práctica, ha mi me encantaría aprender a dibujar rostros. Ya lo he intentado y sé que en algún momento me van a quedar como yo aspiro. Normalmente, hago los rostros basados en una imagen de fondo Y no sé si se puede hacer, pero yo carqueo como las facciones y después lo termino a pulso. Por eso en este caso quiero práctica como hacer las facciones del rostro con formas, así fue que lo hice ...

    @edmundochauran onboarded @laduquesita

    Mi inicio en hive

    gracias a mi trabajo se dio la oportunidad de conocer mucha personas de hive,eso llevo mi curiosidad de como es el sistema de Hive, son muchas las personas que le llegue a preguntar pero es muy cierto que le tengo que agradecer al sr omar roja que nos ayudó en todo momento con a impulsarme en este medio siempre agradecida, le doy las gracias a ustedes por aceptarme en hive.

    former onboarder onboarded @superkristhel

    Introduction - Meet Kristhel and My New Journey

    BACKGROUND IN MY LIFE I use to work 8-10hrs/day for almost 6 years, as a warehouse clerk(back office) I did a lot of duties in my previous work. From checking the incoming and outgoing item, store in the area, checking if the documents is correct and a lot more. When I still single back then, I make sure that every other month I go somewhere else, that can refresh my entire soul. I stop working after giving birth to my son, I need to make sure that he'll be taken care of. Now he's turning 4 years old, I want to make sure that he remembers that where always together maybe he can't remember the places of those visited places but I really know he remember that we are together.

    former onboarder onboarded @lkrung25

    Get to know Me =)

    Hello, I'm Princess Jean Antonio but you can call me "PJ" for short 😅. I live in Tarlac, Philippines and have a deep love for nature and animals, especially my cats. Their playful antics and affectionate nature always bring joy to my life. In my free time, I enjoy exploring the outdoors, whether it's camping in the beach or simply relaxing & hiking in a peaceful mountains or lake here in Tarlac. I believe that nature has a way of rejuvenating the soul and connecting us to the beauty of the world around us. I look forward to sharing my passion for nature and animals with others who appreciate the wonders of the natural world.


    39former onboarders266

    Please take note that the stats do not reflect the current state of each onboarders as of this time because we are still catching up with this compilation post. The stats will be updated in each compilation post until it becomes up to date with the onboarding initiative.

    Onboarder Application

    OCD's onboarding program is conceptualized to be a powerful mechanism in attracting and retaining new content creators. Since incentives are given to active onboarders, it could be a nice income generation for those who wanted to focus more in inviting new users to Hive. For more information about this program, please refer to this post.

    If you want to be an onboarder, join us in OCD's Discord Server and write your application in #onboarder-application channel. Your application must contain the following:

    1. Your Hive username.
    2. The types of users you will be inviting.
    3. The reason why you want to be part of the onboarding program.

    Once you've applied, there will be a vetting process. We will check your on-chain activity to make sure that you can be trusted. Once you're in, you have the capacity to make an invite link using OCD's account creation token, invite anyone you think is a good addition to Hive with a quick and no SMS required account creation, nominate the posts of your invites through a special channel for curation, and get beneficiary rewards both from the users you've invited, posts like these and more benefits in the future!

    Be warned that you are responsible for your invites. Meaning, their activity reflects on how you mentor them. Any suspicious activity of your invite can be a ground for your expulsion in the program. Make sure that before they start posting in Hive, you already oriented them on the activities to avoid such as plagiarism.

    Be an onboarder now!

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    @ocdb supports community curation!
    You can delegate to @ocdb for daily liquid hive returns from curation rewards - check out thegoodwhales.io.

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