My Encounter With a Blind Girl at The Park

in ok •  last month

    Yesterday was Valentine's day, I felt going to the park would save me from loneliness, as I strolled through the park, I was captivated by a melodious voice. A young blind girl, no more than 19 years old, sat on a bench, her eyes closed, and her face tilted upwards. Her voice soared, filling the air with a haunting beauty. I approached her, mesmerized, and as I listened, I noticed she was struggling to tune her guitar. Without thinking, I reached out to assist her. But to my surprise, she abruptly pushed my hand away. "Please, I don't need your help," she said firmly, her voice losing its musical quality for a moment. I felt taken aback, even embarrassed. "I was just trying to assist you," I explained. She shook her head, her eyes still closed. "I've been doing this for years. I don't need anyone's help."I stood there, unsure what to do. Part of me wanted to respect her wishes, but another part wanted to make sure she was okay.
    As I hesitated, she began to sing again. This time, her voice was even more powerful, more emotional. It was as if she was singing directly to me, telling me to let go, to trust her. I took a step back, then another, until I was sitting on a nearby bench, entranced by her performance. The crowd gathered around her grew larger, but she didn't flinch. She sang with abandon, her heart pouring out through every note. As she finished her song, the crowd erupted into applause. I joined in, feeling a sense of awe and respect for this young girl who refused my help. As I walked away, I realized that sometimes, the greatest help we can offer is to step back and let others shine.

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