Odds and Ends — 21 April 2024

in oddsandends •  3 months ago

    Cryptocurrency, Investing, Money, Economy, Business, and Debt:

    Grayscale's Planned Mini Bitcoin ETF Will Have a 0.15% Fee, the Lowest Among Spot Bitcoin ETFs


    Coronavirus News, Analysis, and Opinion:

    Man had rare Covid infection that lasted 613 days, showed extensive mutations


    An interview with a newsroom leader who speaks the truth about Donald Trump


    Trump Deflates

    On aid to Ukraine, Trump got his way for 16 months. When Democrats held the majority in the House of Representatives in 2022, they approved four separate aid requests for Ukraine, totaling $74 billion. As soon as Trump’s party took control of the House, in January 2023, the aid stopped. Every Republican officeholder understood: Those who wished to show loyalty to Trump must side against Ukraine.
    At the beginning of this year, Trump was able even to blow up the toughest immigration bill seen in decades—simply to deny President Joe Biden a bipartisan win. Individual Senate Republicans might grumble, but with Trump opposed, the border-security deal disintegrated.
    Three months later, Trump’s party in Congress has rebelled against him—and not on a personal payoff to some oddball Trump loyalist, but on one of Trump’s most cherished issues, his siding with Russia against Ukraine.


    Florida will open schools to volunteer chaplains

    I’m guessing that the law will be repealed after Muslim clerics start volunteering.




    I love learning new words.



    U.S. May Send New Military Advisers to Ukraine

    The U.S. is considering sending additional military advisers to the embassy in Kyiv, the latest show of American commitment to Ukraine as Russia appears to be gaining momentum in the two-year conflict.


    Giuliani’s Son Hit With Subpoenas Over Hidden Assets

    Rudy Giuliani’s creditors expanded their probe into the former New York mayor’s finances, filing more than a dozen subpoenas in his bankruptcy case on Friday.
    The formal requests, filed Friday in the US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York, were made by Giuliani’s official committee of unsecured creditors, who are seeking to uncover any hidden assets they believe should be distributed to them.


    U.S. expected to sanction IDF unit for human rights violations in West Bank


    Trump PAC That Pays Legal Bills Could Be Out of Money

    A PAC controlled by former President Donald Trump that has devoted tens of millions of dollars to his and his allies’ legal bills could be running out of cash after spending nearly $3.7 million on legal fees in March


    Mike Johnson Temporarily Dodges Ouster Vote

    Johnson had plowed ahead with the votes to send money to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan despite rising conservative anger — passing every part of the foreign aid plan with widespread Democratic help. Some Republicans are openly entertaining the idea of backing the ouster threat led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), but those already backing the effort opted to wait on triggering the vote. Instead, they indicated members should go back home and hear from their constituents.
    That could go two ways for Johnson. Tempers could cool as lawmakers return to their districts for a week and focus on their constituents and reelection bids. Or members, particularly in deep-red districts, hear more from an angry base — prompting more members to entertain action against Johnson.


    From Fox News of all places: America First foreign policy ‘profoundly dangerous,' invites multi-front war, eminent historian warns




    What Winnie the Pooh and Mickey Mouse can tell us about the public domain and remix culture


    Badge thanks to @arcange

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