Odds and Ends — 20 March 2024

in oddsandends •  4 months ago


    Cryptocurrency, Investing, Money, Economy, Business, and Debt:

    BlackRock Creates Fund With Securitize, a Big Player in Real-World Asset Tokenization


    Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent


    Coronavirus News, Analysis, and Opinion:

    In a pandemic milestone, the NIH ends guidance on COVID treatment


    Why Rich Republicans Won’t Loan Money to Trump

    Why aren’t any patriotic conservative businesspeople stepping in to rescue Trump with a loan?
    This is a perfectly natural response to the premise that Trump’s totally legitimate business is facing a sudden cash crunch. And yet, none of the Republican billionaires have stepped forward to loan Trump the funds to get him through this short-term crisis.
    Let me propose an alternative explanation for the paradox Levin is observing: Wealthy Republicans are hesitant to extend large loans to Trump because he is, in fact, a crook.


    Still Unable to Post Bond, Trump Has Most Crazed Meltdown Yet

    Kushner Says Gaza’s Waterfront Is ‘Very Valuable’


    Trump is making the Jan. 6 attack a cornerstone of his bid for the White House

    Donald Trump has launched his general election campaign not merely rewriting the history of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack, but positioning the violent siege and its failed attempt to overturn the 2020 election as a cornerstone of his bid to return to the White House.
    Initially relegated to a fringe theory on the edges of the Republican Party, the revisionist history of Jan. 6, which Trump amplified during the early days of the GOP primary campaign to rouse his most devoted voters, remains a rally centerpiece even as he must appeal more broadly to a general election audience.


    Trump Says Jews Who Support Democrats ‘Hate Israel’

    Donald Trump accused Jews who vote for Democrats of hating their religion and Israel, reviving and escalating a claim he made as president that Jewish Democrats were disloyal.


    The Ego Has Crash-Landed

    If Donald Trump loses November’s election, it will be for one reason: He can’t help making it all about himself.


    Jair Bolsonarro Indicted in Brazil

    Brazil’s Federal Police have accused former President Jair Bolsonaro of criminal association and falsifying his own Covid-19 vaccination data, marking the first indictment for the embattled far-right leader with others potentially in store.


    Trump Has Just Five Days to Show the Money

    If he cannot produce the bond by March 25, Mr. Trump faces the possibility of financial disaster and humiliation. New York’s attorney general, who brought the fraud case, would be entitled to collect the $454 million and could seek to seize Mr. Trump’s New York properties or freeze his bank accounts.


    Netanyahu to Consider Rafah Invasion Alternatives

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to send a senior delegation to Washington in the next few days to discuss an alternative strategy to an Israeli ground invasion of Rafah.

    As clear a statement as any that Joe Biden holds veto power over at least some Israeli actions.


    A Suspicious Pattern Alarming the Ukrainian Military

    A Ukrainian military source believes that Russia’s long-range strikes are aimed using satellite imagery provided by U.S. companies.


    Fox News buried Mike Pence’s refusal to endorse Donald Trump


    The U.S. Crime Rate Is Still Dropping

    New FBI data confirms previous indications that crime in the U.S. declined significantly in 2023, continuing a post-pandemic trend and belying widespread perceptions that crime is rising.
    The new fourth-quarter numbers showed a 13% decline in murder in 2023 from 2022, a 6% decline in reported violent crime and a 4% decline in reported property crime. That’s based on data from around 13,000 law enforcement agencies, policing about 82% of the U.S. population, that provided the FBI with data through December.

    David Weiss Does Not Contest He Reneged on Hunter Biden’s Plea Agreement to Chase Russian Lies


    Supreme Court Justices Balk At Red States’ Free Speech Absolutism In Social Media Case


    James Webb telescope confirms there is something seriously wrong with our understanding of the universe

    How much stress is too much? A psychiatrist explains the links between toxic stress and poor health − and how to get help


    Badge thanks to @arcange

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