I think maybe I found a portal... Or a vortex... Or another dimension... Lol... Sort of kidding, I dunno if it had anything to do with the location I was at, but I filmed some beams of light from the sun and I had never really seen anything quite like it before...
Also, this picture doesn't do it justice compared to the video where you can see it all moving and "dancing"!
Seriously some of the most amazing stuff I've ever seen and I've been a nature photographer for 20+ years.
Plus I kind of had a spiritual experience, and an epiphany of sorts.
Recently I've been hearing stuff about plasma, my mom even had me look it up a few months back in regard to a dream she had and I've seen "plasmoids" being mentioned in regard to UFOs and...
I stumbled onto a social media post and learned that modern accepted "science" claims that something like 99% of the Universe is plasma which I never knew before for some reason...?!?!
I remember light being a very powerful element in the bible and other spiritual beliefs or religions, I think the word came first and then light was second?
I used to look at the light filtering between the trees near sunset and felt some kind of spiritual connection that is hard to describe.
The other night I watched video on YouTube from some woman who is excited about the subject and she expressed similar sentiments being confused she only just learned of this recently and she suggested that she thinks it's being covered up to some degree, I did a search and this "discovery" has been around for at least 20 years, so... I have to wonder, why have I never heard this before???
After filming this stuff with the light rays I did a search to see how light may be connected to plasma and the energy from stars and suns and such is apparently plasma...
The rays put off and gas from the stars is also considered a lower form of plasma and some people even believe that plasma is intelligent or even sentient, and when I was looking at these rainbow colors in the light rays it felt heavenly to me... It felt like the this is what the "hologram" is significantly made of.
I am only just beginning to put words to this so it's a bit sloppy, as I learn more I will refine it.
Yet... I tend to think that "light" or "plasma" probably somehow contains the whole universe inside of it so to speak, like a hologram... In a holographic sense you cut a hologram into pieces they will all have the "whole" contained within them, but at a "lower resolution".
Fractals... Think fractals, yet. light fractals and the akashic records + spiritual claims of things like "Heaven" or "Nirvana".
Perhaps this is related to the technology some UFOs use, maybe it's related to time travel? It's been theorized that if you could go faster than the speed of light you could go back in time...
Makes me wonder... It feels like all color comes from the light, and if we didn't have the light... Not very much life could exist like it does now.
We even have fluids in our body referred to as "plasma" and some animals that are nocturnal have something called nocti luminescence and this is also found in our brains in an area where it is believed dreams originate, these aren't like stars or the sun in that classic sense, however...
I personally think they are sort of like contained reflections of that essence. And, I dunno... I'm struggling with my words at this point... But, I feel like the "light" that stars put off could be very similar to the light of nocti luminescence even if there isn't that same "temperature" or "heat" that seems to signify plasma.
I'm going to start studying the light and plasma more, I think there is a LOT more to learn!!!
I feel like this could help me with my efforts at communication with the divine, and perhaps even with manifesting a more positive life. :)
It's fascinating whatever it is, though I think I've said enough for now. Peace and tons of LOVE.
PS, that woman claims that love is also a form of plasma and... I'm not sure I agree as I just don't know enough to even say much about the subject, yet... If 99% of the Universe is plasma, I gotta wonder. <3