Other Niche Communities Curation Report #1587

in niche •  2 months ago

    OCD's support is expanding!

    Hello everyone! This is the 1587th compilation post of OCD's latest curation efforts. It has been known that OCD has been supporting leading niche communities under its Community Incubation Program. However, there are still a lot of other niche communities not supported by OCD. This curation initiative will help in supporting those communities.

    This newest curation effort aims to encourage authors to post in appropriate communities even if those communities are not under the incubation program. This will also encourage users to explore more into the different communities in Hive.

    How this Works

    OCD curators and community leaders will find posts from other niche communities and recommend them for an upvote. Unlike those communities in the incubation program where curation is focused, this curation initiative is spread out. This will help find undervalued posts from smaller communities that deserve support.

    This will highlight both the author and the community where the post is located. This way, smaller niche communities can focus on growing their subscribers and increasing the engagements within their respective communities. A small boost goes a long way.

    Speaking of boost, here are the curated posts for this batch:

    Curated Posts

    Author: @cesaramos
    Community: C/Vibes


    Howdy, Hivers. For this week's Vibes Music Competition, I want to do the iconic solo from Pink Floyd's "Comfortably numb" which for many years has been one of the most incredible and spectacular solos performed by a band and even more so for being one of the legendary bands in the history of music. I'm not a guitar player, but this solo makes me want to bring out a little bit of that guitar player who dreams of playing in an iconic band. It should be noted that the bass line on this song is also spectacular. I hope you like this solo which I wanted to do with a personal EQ and with a Delay and chorus that I have always liked.

    Curator: @eugelys

    Author: @popurri
    Community: C/Holos&Lotus

    Iniciativa: El regalo de coincidir /Protección y aprendizaje para cambiar el rumbo(Esp/Eng)

    It is a wonderful thing and sometimes I think there is a magic in our lives that keeps us connected through what we may see as coincidences, which we think happen randomly. But they are not such and mostly those encounters that we can call fortuitous are messages that we receive or help us at very opportune moments.

    Curator: @minismallholding

    Author: @josdelmi
    Community: C/Amazing Drinks

    (Esp/Eng) Cremosa chicha preparada con espaguetis , avena y vainilla / Creamy chicha prepared with spaghetti, oatmeal and vanilla.>

    Good evening to all who are part of this nice community #amazingdriks, I wish you all well. God bless you. Today I want to show how to prepare a delicious drink: creamy spaghetti chicha with oatmeal and vanilla and to give the final touch, the glass was decorated with raisins, it is a delight to drink the chicha and at the same time eat the raisins, I hope you like it, like at home, as it is one of the favorite drinks of my son, he wants to take this almost every day. Chicha de espaguetis" is a drink that has a high level of potassium, phosphorus, proteins and fibers.

    Curator: @millycf1976

    Author: @chris-chris92
    Community: C/Reflections

    A hidden part of me... And the difficulty to confess it

    Imagine that in my life there are a lot of chairs that occupy different parts of me. Some of them represent the public, friendly, "all-user" side that every person has; and in my particular case it is no less true... However, there are other "chairs" that represent a side that is not so easy to digest, let alone admit or confess. Lately I have had too many things on my mind, and after talking a bit with a friend, I have come to the conclusion that there are certain things that I have accumulated emotionally and mentally, and that it is better to confess them, address them and leave them (definitely) out of me, out of my being, out of everything that I am now?

    Over the last few months I have experienced some very turbulent emotional and emotional moments. That is to say, mood swells and prolonged states of frustration and, above all, of a negative cynicism that, even for me, has worried me. But a bit of context so that you can understand me... When I refer to instability, I am basically talking about a part of me that I have struggled with, and although I have improved and evolved, it still has some influence on me. The way I was raised; with a conservatism worthy of the American Republican Party. And that there are certain quotas of that person I was "supposed to be" in my present day.

    Curator: @millycf1976

    Author: @aera8
    Community: C/Plant Power (Vegan)

    stir fried kale with spicy tempeh

    Hello everyone, come back with me on this occasion, I want to make stir-fried kale with spicy tempeh, actually I've been curious about this recipe for a long time because it's very often posted on Tik Tok, which makes me very curious about this recipe, but now I will make stir-fried kale with tempeh. This spicy dish is for our family's lunch

    In fact, I see from the way it is made that it is not as difficult as cooking stir-fried kale in general, only that there are additional spices and also tempeh. Before I cook it, I go to the market first to buy some kitchen spices that have run out, after coming home from the market. I immediately started preparing this spicy stir-fried kale and tempe,

    without waiting long I started preparing all the ingredients that I was going to cook, such as kale, tempeh and other necessary spices such as shallots, garlic and chilies. After everything was finished then I immediately cooked this spicy stir-fried kale and tempeh.

    Curator: @millycf1976

    Author: @kiutvariedades
    Community: C/Ladies of Hive

    [ENG-ESP] 💕✨ LOH Contest #181: Mental and physical health, anxiety and depression, my way of coping with them 📚🏃🏻‍♀️

    Hello hello beautiful women of this community ✨💕, today we come with a particular topic 🤣, anxiety and depression in women and how to cope with the burden of the demands of everyday life, really this week's question that is focused on this topic seems to me the most interesting and entertaining to answer, especially because it comes as a ring to my finger just in these days that anxiety is fluttering in my head, and I have had to implement certain habits or elements in my life that allow me to deal with it, however if you want to know more about this week's questions, here I leave you the original post with the questions proposed by @joanstewart.

    Curator: @anggreklestari

    Author: @quiubi
    Community: C/Creative Cuisine


    oday I want to share with you this easy, quick and sugar-free recipe. Perfect to share at a gathering with friends or family without the need to spend a lot of ingredients.

    Curator: @anggreklestari

    Author: @cajiro
    Community: C/Music

    "Escucha, canta y baila" [Esp-Eng]

    It is interesting all that we can do through music: dance, sing, enjoy our favorite theme and even compose some lines with rhythm and musical tone. Given the diversity of what we do, we get to experience and express our emotions without shame or fear of anything, finding in music that natural environment in which we develop and feel comfortable.

    Curator: @eugelys

    Author: @jlufer
    Community: C/Shadow Hunters

    If you ask me, it's not what I like the most (Starting the week in the city)

    A new week in the company of all my friends from this wonderful ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨: As you know, I love starting the week visiting my friends from this great place, and showing them the photographs of our “shadow hunts”. These shots themselves were not taken today, Monday, as we usually do, which means that the title of the post is not quite right, the correct thing would be to say, If you ask me, isn't that what I like the most? End the week visiting the streets of my city

    Curator: @lauramica

    Author: @thaliaperez
    Community: C/Lifestyle

    Riego de siembra de cacao y plátano/ Irrigation of cocoa and banana plantations [ESP-ENG]

    Hi guys! I hope you are doing well. We planted some banana bushes a few months ago and in the rainy months they grew very well. We left them to their own devices and to God's will during the early summer. The rains have decreased a lot and they have not had enough water. For this reason we decided to come and water them and help them survive the summer.

    Curator: @lauramica

    This concludes this batch's curation report. We would like to congratulate those who are featured and supported. Keep up the good work and continue to explore Hive Communities.

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