Other Niche Communities Curation Report #1563

in niche •  4 months ago

    OCD's support is expanding!

    Hello everyone! This is the 1563rd compilation post of OCD's latest curation efforts. It has been known that OCD has been supporting leading niche communities under its Community Incubation Program. However, there are still a lot of other niche communities not supported by OCD. This curation initiative will help in supporting those communities.

    This newest curation effort aims to encourage authors to post in appropriate communities even if those communities are not under the incubation program. This will also encourage users to explore more into the different communities in Hive.

    How this Works

    OCD curators and community leaders will find posts from other niche communities and recommend them for an upvote. Unlike those communities in the incubation program where curation is focused, this curation initiative is spread out. This will help find undervalued posts from smaller communities that deserve support.

    This will highlight both the author and the community where the post is located. This way, smaller niche communities can focus on growing their subscribers and increasing the engagements within their respective communities. A small boost goes a long way.

    Speaking of boost, here are the curated posts for this batch:

    Curated Posts

    Author: @xanreo
    Community: C/Weekend Experiences

    WEEKEND-EXPERIENCE: My Unexpected Sunday Trip to Urdaneta with a Childhood friend.

    It's been awhile since I last saw her. After she graduated college, she is now working as an auditor at one of the companies in Taguig. It is good because she has two weeks of work at home, so we could see each other because she will go back to Taguig at the end of the month and come back home next month.

    Curator: @anggreklestari

    Author: @selflessgem
    Community: C/HiveGarden

    Growing a Small Vegetable Garden for our Family's Needs

    Hello, everyone. Finally, after days of not having an update here in the Hive, got the chance to write again and make this post. I'm sorry things got a little bit crazy and had to fix some work-related issues.

    Curator: @anggreklestari

    Author: @evev
    Community: C/Lifestyle

    Volví a cumplir años entre palmas y tradiciones | I had my birthday again amidst clapping and traditions [Esp-Eng]

    Greetings dear readers, today I give life and love to my blog with a sensitive anecdote that fills me with joy and at the same time with collective feeling, since I was during this week in the octave of my birthday celebrating with the fervor of a people where it is possible through their culture and tradition, to feel that which they refuse to die despite the transculturation.

    Curator: @lauramica

    Author: @nakaryr
    Community: C/Family & Friends


    [Spa-Eng] Sunday outing: I was invited to eat Cuajado.

    Hello hivers! I hope you are doing great, today I received a very special invitation from my good friend and compadre Aníbal, he invited us to have lunch at his house. Aníbal has been our friend for many years, in fact, before I met my husband they were already friends, he is unconditional and has been with us through thick and thin.

    Curator: @lauramica

    Author: @nitsuga12
    Community: C/Daily Blog

    First steps - My technology project IV [ENG-ESP]

    Greetings friends of Hive, welcome to my post once again, I'm Nitsu and I'm going to tell you how I'll be handling these posts. As many of you may already know, I'm an industrial design student about to finish my degree. This year I have to take Technology IV, the last level of this subject that involves a fairly high level of difficulty because you have to make a project and bring it to reality, so I would like to share this experience with you and that you accompany me throughout this year to see the final result. What do you think of the idea?

    Curator: @lauramica

    Author: @jhymi
    Community: C/The MINIMALIST

    Unnecessary Necessities?

    I know that more than anything, as a college student who is staying in a dorm where cooking is not allowed, the bulk of my money would have to go into purchasing food. Worse since I’m in an environment that is well aware of the students populating the area, then you can trust that prices for the most basic type of feeding without any ostentation, are way off the roof.

    Curator: @millycf1976

    Author: @tigermom
    Community: C/Foodies Bee Hive

    🥰🙃A nice plate of Sunday food 😃🥰

    It's Sunday evening. And today I felt for some nice cooking. The past few days it was too hot for cooking I mean it's already very hot outside and then I must stand in front of a very hot stove also eish no-no. But today I told my husband I'll cook some nice food even though it was hot.

    Curator: @millycf1976

    Author: @septymahija
    Community: C/Weekend Experiences

    WE ~ #198 × Everything is balance ×

    Hello community, today I come to join in answering the questions proposed for this weekend, I think they are quite related, about alcohol consumption in social environments, going dancing, the decline of society, motivation, I even venture to Imagine in what context these questions were inspired.

    Curator: @millycf1976

    Author: @genrigp
    Community: C/Holos&Lotus

    El llanto como forma de validarnos | Crying as a way to validate ourselves [ES/EN]

    Through culture we learn that, at the level of representations, crying occurs when there is pain, when there is sadness, when there is despondency. We assume that crying, as if it were a symptom and we doctors, must attack it and try to annul it, without taking into account ironically the person who cries. There is usually a presumption of happy states over sad ones, as if being sad or feeling pain were bad or pathological, something like distinctive of sick or dysfunctional people.

    Curator: @minismallholding

    Author: @elamaria
    Community: C/Amazing Drinks

    ✨️✨️A nutritious and very special drink: Strawberries with Yogurt, flaxseed, chia and something more...😋✨️✨️.[Eng][Esp

    Hello to all my friends from @amazingdrinks I am pleased to greet you and wish you a happy Sunday. Today is a very special day in which we celebrate the beginning of Holy Week. These days the heat and the sun's rays are always more intense; so it is important to stay hydrated among other measures. Also, I want to emphasize that in these days we had our anniversary in our beloved blockchain. It is one more reason to rejoice and celebrate the successes achieved and enjoy the benefits of being part of this great family.

    Curator: @eugelys

    This concludes this batch's curation report. We would like to congratulate those who are featured and supported. Keep up the good work and continue to explore Hive Communities.

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    @ocdb supports community curation!
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