Other Niche Communities Curation Report #1566

in niche •  4 months ago

    OCD's support is expanding!

    Hello everyone! This is the 1566th compilation post of OCD's latest curation efforts. It has been known that OCD has been supporting leading niche communities under its Community Incubation Program. However, there are still a lot of other niche communities not supported by OCD. This curation initiative will help in supporting those communities.

    This newest curation effort aims to encourage authors to post in appropriate communities even if those communities are not under the incubation program. This will also encourage users to explore more into the different communities in Hive.

    How this Works

    OCD curators and community leaders will find posts from other niche communities and recommend them for an upvote. Unlike those communities in the incubation program where curation is focused, this curation initiative is spread out. This will help find undervalued posts from smaller communities that deserve support.

    This will highlight both the author and the community where the post is located. This way, smaller niche communities can focus on growing their subscribers and increasing the engagements within their respective communities. A small boost goes a long way.

    Speaking of boost, here are the curated posts for this batch:

    Curated Posts

    Author: @yris89
    Community: C/Home Solutions

    (ESP-ENG) Dale Nueva Vida a tu Tapicería de Cuero // Give New Life to your Leather Upholstery

    So, it occurred to me to bring it back to life Hydrating the Semi Leather with Vaseline I have seen my husband put some Vaseline on leather shoes and it works for him so I decided to use his Hydration tip on the back of the bed; it is important that I tell you that I use Vaseline for children that they sell in pharmacies, now it is time to tell you how I did this procedure:

    Curator: @millycf1976

    Author: @deraaa
    Community: C/Ladies of Hive

    No Sleep When Much is Needed!

    For a while now, I’ve told myself that all would happen in due time as long as I did the right thing. But maybe, that’s just an excuse to justify my behaviour.

    The first question posed by the Ladies of Hive community is no ordinary one (at least to me) as it made the very thing I seem to avoid pop in my mind. Sleep.

    Curator: @millycf1976

    Author: @balikis95
    Community: C/The MINIMALIST

    Cravings: We Ought to Get It Fixed, Right?

    It is probably the way my parents raised me and more of the way I have decided to do things, which then became a habit. When it comes to spending, I have no problem with it and still, I do have a very big problem with it. It is simple! I am the type that would go out and not get those beauties staring at me and calling my name to get them even when I would like to have them.

    I can take my eyes off things I like and move on like nothing happened, and this has helped a lot with my spending habits, especially in this crucial time in the country where getting foodstuff alone is suffocating.

    Curator: @millycf1976

    Author: @heroldius
    Community: C/BEER

    BeerSaturday 351 - Stout Imperial (Cote à Beausoleil)

    Here's my entry to the BeerSaturday 351 with a beer bought during my trip in Saint-Jean-de-Matha (see Wednesday Walk challenge: Super Glissades (Saint-Jean-de-Matha, Quebec)) because on the way back, there was the Côte à Beausoleil brewery. I stopped to buy a few cans, including this Stout Imperial in tribute to Quebec's strongman, Louis Cyr.

    Curator: @coquicoin

    Author: @duvinca
    Community: C/Wednesday Walk

    Wednesday Walk: a monumental walk in the city

    We take regular walks and others that are not so common, we return to well-known and crowded places, and we see the usual things with different eyes, everything surprises us and we like it. We rediscover the beauty that surrounds us while we walk, which this time is in its squares, buildings and beautiful monuments.

    Curator: @coquicoin

    Author: @marybellrg
    Community: C/Catarsis

    Dándole sentido a tu vida | Reflexión [Es-En]

    Sometimes, we feel lost, immersed in the day-to-day that does not forgive, much less, wait. It runs fast and is always full of anxieties, problems to solve and to worry about, and also, of course, to take care of. That day by day inclement, makes us lose a little, sometimes, the course of what we want for our life. We become mechanical beings who react rather than act driven by motivation.We lose the sense of what we would like to do and be. Nothing more terrible than that part of life that inevitably happens to all of us at some point. That's why it's always good to pause in that busy time. It is healthy to stop and think and feel what we can be comfortable with and what we would like to do, besides the every day, to grow as people and better human beings.

    Curator: @elizabeths14

    Author: @gledys19
    Community: C/Lifestyle

    💝 Obsequios que me representan 🎁 - (Spa-Eng)

    I am a girl who always likes to be well perfumed, I have a great weakness for perfumes, I feel that perfumes speak of your personality, they speak of what you feel at that moment, so I like to be always smelling and that wherever I go I leave that trail of fragrance and people turn to see you just by the aroma you exude.

    And if the first gift were several perfumes that I loved from their packaging, the presentation, the beautiful colors and above all their exquisite fragrance, I feel that each of these small perfume bottles identifies me very well.
    This perfume is called Petit and it is well represented by all these beautiful flowers on its cap, it has a very fresh and energetic floral scent with the presence of lavender that I like, and something that pleases me about this perfume is the color and delicacy of its cap and packaging, I love it! It looks very feminine, I identify myself quite a lot, besides I am a woman that when I like a bottle of perfume I keep it.

    Curator: @elizabeths14

    Author: @yaslenysofia
    Community: C/Geek Zone

    Mini UPS como parte de un pago / Mini UPS as part of a payment [ESP/ENG]

    So far it has worked great, I hope it continues to do so. And the truth is, it has been a great help, especially at times when there is no electricity.

    Curator: @macchiata

    Author: @ruffatotmeee
    Community: C/Wednesday Walk

    A Productive Morning for Me and My Oldie: An Early Walk with Nature and the Magnificent Scenery!

    It's been weeks since I last took a walk outside. If before I could have a walk almost every day because I had to go to the market or have to go visit somewhere with Mom, this time I can't just freely do that. And I feel like it's been forever now (≧▽≦). This is where I appreciate more those pictures I saved on my phone where our walk was documented.

    Curator: @mipiano

    Author: @minuetoacademy
    Community: C/Music


    The Melody of the Soul (Cover)

    After several years of uploading content from my cell phone's unstable and slow internet, this week I was finally able to contract a fiber optic internet service. To my amazement, I was able to upload this video in 5 seconds, before it would have taken hours. I'm very happy. Testing my new connection, I watched videos on YouTube (which used to be a luxury); That's how the piece that I perform today "The Melody of the Soul" appeared.

    Curator: @edwardstobia

    This concludes this batch's curation report. We would like to congratulate those who are featured and supported. Keep up the good work and continue to explore Hive Communities.

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