Other Niche Communities Curation Report #1582

in niche •  3 months ago

    OCD's support is expanding!

    Hello everyone! This is the 1582nd compilation post of OCD's latest curation efforts. It has been known that OCD has been supporting leading niche communities under its Community Incubation Program. However, there are still a lot of other niche communities not supported by OCD. This curation initiative will help in supporting those communities.

    This newest curation effort aims to encourage authors to post in appropriate communities even if those communities are not under the incubation program. This will also encourage users to explore more into the different communities in Hive.

    How this Works

    OCD curators and community leaders will find posts from other niche communities and recommend them for an upvote. Unlike those communities in the incubation program where curation is focused, this curation initiative is spread out. This will help find undervalued posts from smaller communities that deserve support.

    This will highlight both the author and the community where the post is located. This way, smaller niche communities can focus on growing their subscribers and increasing the engagements within their respective communities. A small boost goes a long way.

    Speaking of boost, here are the curated posts for this batch:

    Curated Posts

    Author: @duskobgd
    Community: C/Wednesday Walk

    When you're walking on a Wednesday and come across a gem

    Spring. My favorite season. We came out of winter (it's true, this winter wasn't cold at all 🙂) and entered the period of warm daily temperatures (although these days the temperatures are almost summer 🙂). The day lengthened, the sun set later on the horizon. It gives me the will to live after a full day of work activities during the week.

    Curator: @mipiano

    Author: @jhymi
    Community: C/Ladies of Hive

    My Paradise || LOH #180

    Growing up in a home where the policy was practically, “If it can be grown, it will be grown.” We loved fruits a lot and Mom was a big advocate of vegetables so we thought that instead of buying fruits and vegetables which at some point was being sold at exorbitant rates, why don’t we plant them.

    Curator: @coquicoin

    Author: @mili2801
    Community: C/Family & Friends

    🇪🇸|🇺🇸 Mudanzas... presagios de prosperidad nuestra experiencia. | Moves... harbingers of prosperity our experience.

    It's been about 3 weeks since we moved to the new house, and all this has been a very different experience from previous times, as I said in the post weeks ago, (where the topic revolved around the delivery of the previous apartment in excellent condition) every move for me is always a harbinger of prosperity for the family, the new house we really like because it is more spacious because it has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen, balcony, I must clarify that when we rented the previous apartment were only my sister in law, husband and me .... Over time our little daughters came into our lives, the main reason why this time we moved, because we needed a room for them, as they grow up they need their space, so this was the factor that made this house was chosen in addition to it is in the same sector, and are 4 years living here and we can say that it is a quiet and safe place which one as an immigrant seeks, in Venezuela one moves at any time, but here in Ecuador people usually do it at night, because they do not like people to be curious 😅 is what I have been told and to be honest they are quite curious 🤣🤣🤣🤣 reason why we moved at night the day began at 8 pm everything was going great until at 11 pm the power went out in the sector 🙄 It took him an hour to return but that didn't stop the move, which continued until 2:00 a.m. when all the furniture and major appliances were moved to the new house, and the next day the few things that were left would be moved.

    Curator: @erikah

    Author: @coolmidwestguy
    Community: C/WorkLife

    Shortened Weekend and Early Week Start

    Hello friends and Hivers. Today I will talk about my weekend which turned into work and how the actual work week got off to an early start. Now I knew before the start of my weekend this was certainly going to happen which was nice as it allowed me to plan around it.

    Curator: @erikah

    Author: @enclassecu
    Community: C/Holos&Lotus

    La tristeza solo es una perspectiva de mi propia mente [ESP-ENG]

    Today I made the decision to wake up in observer mode or to see what is happening around me without judging or wanting to change. Yesterday the eclipse brought a tremendous emotional jolt, so today I only had energy to be in a neutral state. Yesterday I went through some memories that only led me to be alert and sensitive, I could not stop crying. At night I managed to understand that my sadness is only a perspective, so my mind is the one that should change its place and see that there is a different reality. Today I would like to share this experience that can save us from a bombardment of emotions and thoughts.

    Curator: @eugelys

    Author: @zupasteleria
    Community: C/Foodies Bee Hive


    Personally, I think that one of the best achievements you can have in this field is that a client tells you that he trusts you and leaves in your hands something as important as the birthday cake of a very dear person such as a son or daughter.

    Curator: @eugelys

    Author: @irvinc
    Community: C/Music

    Three Tune Tuesday | Deep Purple | [ESP/ENG]

    As I lived quite far away I took my precautions and left my house at 8 am. The bus took about fifteen minutes to pass and from there we would have to go a long way, down the junquito road to the Avenida del Cuartel, then we would go all the way down the Avenida Sucre until we reached the center and ended up on the Avenida Baralt. From that point to where I would meet Verónica I had to walk about six blocks.

    Curator: @eugelys

    Author: @mdrguez
    Community: C/Kindness Rocks

    Mission accomplished

    My mission to bring good vibes through colorful kindness rocks that I carried out this weekend, has left good experiences. 😜

    Friday afternoon we arrived at our destination and immediately set out to make the most of the short time we had.

    Curator: @mipiano

    Author: @hiramdo
    Community: C/HiveGarden

    Improving the environment of the Planetary Garden. [Eng/Esp]

    Greetings appreciated for the C/Hive Garden. It is a pleasure to share with you my experiences from my home planetary garden. It is enriching to have a wealth of natural herbalism. What's more, in each space of the land there is a plant with an information of the power it has 'to strengthen human life on the planet. This whole culture is a wealth of nutritional, medicinal and recreational wealth that overflows, medicinal and recreational wealth that overflows and nourishes with the abundance of knowledge that accumulates in every corner of the green vegetation that strengthens my gardening soul with its harmonious beauty. Here I breathe in the gentle peace that I receive from my meditation practice. I am mentally healthy in the condition that gives me the universal flow to dive into the flourishing of my green vegetable space.

    Curator: @mipiano

    Author: @venusl19
    Community: C/Skin & Body Care

    Qué usas cuando tus labios están resecos? Cuidas esta parte de ti ? [ESP-ENG]

    Hello friends, today I'm going to talk to you about the product I use for my lips, it is a balm that serves to protect, nourish and repair damage, I'm talking about when they are cracked or dry.

    Curator: @macchiata

    This concludes this batch's curation report. We would like to congratulate those who are featured and supported. Keep up the good work and continue to explore Hive Communities.

    OCD Has a Hive Witness ... @OCD-Witness!

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    @ocdb supports community curation!
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