Gregory Mannarino - Is the Stock Market On the Edge of a "Super-Meltdown"?...YES IT IS...Here is the Proof.

in news •  last month

    Retail sales are really in decline. I'm not sure a how a super-meltdown happens, since we have a plunge protection team. Market meltdown in my mind does not have to happen suddenly, but it can happen slowly...I simply don't know the speed of the crash. I did ask the question in Greg's youtube comments section. If I get a response, I'll follow up. The market look ahead video is something I watched, but decided not to post, but you can find it on his channel. I'm surprised to hear Greg is easing back into market....I will not unless I see an specific opportunity. In the meantime, I'm content to stay in cash, TLT, and a few other things.




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