Telling Us Ahead

in neoxian •  2 months ago

    You know the Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship. The basis of their ministry is just testimonies. They will call up 1234 people who tell you how their life was before they met Jesus. And now that they have met Jesus, what difference he has made and give an altar call. Then the preacher for the day will preach and give an altar call. And then people get their lives to Christ. Beloved brothers and sisters, the power of the testimony. It breaks all barriers.

    The Holy Ghost flows on it to bring conviction. We also saw in Acts Chapter 9 verse 33, Acts Chapter 9 verse 33 way. And there was and there was, and there he found a certain man, that was Peter now a certain man named Ineas, which has kept his bed 8 years and was sick of the person. And Peter said unto him in years, Jesus Christ maketh the whole. Arise and make thy bed. And he arose immediately, and all that dwelt as leader, And Saron saw him, and turned to the Lord. Leader and Sirens 2 cities.


    Two cities turn to God by one man's testimony. If you can preach raw and straight, tell a story about your own life, about somebody elses life, about my own story that I just said, tell a story and then flow through that story and let somebody be saved. Somebody say a loud Amen.

    Somebody say a louder. Amen. Finally, it is the power of the Gospel that is the Gospel itself. Romans 116 and 17. He said, For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth.

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