Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #745 - by Allmonitors

in nature •  5 months ago

    #745 - Liwliwa Zambales shots for Thursday.

    Greetings dearest Hiveans! How's your night/day going? Hope all is still doing well out there. I didn't wake up early today because my son didn't went to school, they don't have anything to do except watch a game so he decided to just sleep it off and woke up late in the day. I also used the opportunity to also sleep it off and woke up at eight in the morning then have a cup of guyabano tea and two pieces bananas that we call dipig in ilocano or saba in the common tongue. My mother in law also boiled the rest of the bananas because they may get overripe already tomorrow. Then for lunch she cooked some vegetables which we haven't had for a few days already because there's too much meat and chicken on the menu.

    Now for our daily shots on the second day of our stay here in the beach of Liwliwa, my wife and I woke up early so we can catch the sunrise which is coming from the tree lines. We went to the beach where's still cold and saw a barge almost near the shore. It was low tide too that morning so the sands are showing up where there's water and waves the late afternoon. The boat seems to be collecting sands near the shore and it could be sent over to Metropolitan where there's an ongoing reclamation in the Manila bay area.



    While the sun is already up though covered by the tall pine trees, we already started to dip into the cold sea water. Then also took photos of the wife as she requested for remembrance. The chill is only in the first part of dipping but when you spent more time in the water it's already comfortable.


    Here's the wife getting cold still in the early morning before she dipped in to the water. We can see that the shallow area is somehow vast and we have to walk a few meters to get to the water and more meters til we can experience hip deep of water.

    Just me while sitting on the cold sands. Still trying to get used to the cold wind gusting all over the shore coming from the sea. Beside me is our stuff. It took me several minutes before I decided to get to the water. There were also other people early on the beach that morning who also wanted to dip into the cold water.

    Last two shots is the wife on the shallows of the water. The waves are small and it is conducive to kids who want to play around until the big waves come soon when the high tides rise.



    Follow me on my nature travels.
    Shot taken in Zambales, Philippines.

    Image/s were shot using Samsung Z5 flip phone. ~rex

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