Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #751 - by Allmonitors

in nature •  5 months ago

    #751 - Shots in Landingan Viewpoint for Tuesday.

    Greetings once again dearest beautiful fellow Hiveans. It's my first day of work and had a challenging shift all day. After that I went for a quick nap because I believe I need a rest, woke up at four in the afternoon and did some pull ups in the pull up bar which I setup for my son to use for his scoliosis. It's also their last day of vacation after almost two weeks of rest. So early tomorrow I will have to wake up and prepare breakfast once again before he goes to school. The weather this evening is actually fine and there's also coldness in the air but we are already approaching the summer time where they say it's going to be a dry season because of El Nino. I am thinking about my relatives who rely on farming definitely they will be affected. I saw in the news that other farmers have been forcedly harvesting their crops rather than wait for the dry spell.

    Anyways, moving forward to our daily shots where we went to see a mountain covered with flowers. We went out there early in the morning before the sun rises, I recall it was 5:30am that we left our home in the province. I was with the wife, my youngest bro and sister then my aunt and niece who live in the Mountain Province that came home to help assist with my mother. When we reached the top of the mountain climbing on the stone steps that were made by the local government, I asked my brother to take some photos while we were facing the nature right in front of us. We were somehow tired reaching the top, catched our breath there for a few.



    Then I asked the wife for a solo shot of me with arms wide open. I just recalled the Creed band song with the same title. Cool song, it's timeless. The view here is nice, seeing this kind every day makes me envy the people living in this remote area.😊



    Then of course the wife would not be left behind, thanks to her phone we got some great shots. Here she is posing also with the nature that is in front of us. Breathing the fresh air is something I missed already right now.



    My wife and I decided that in case in the future we have some money, we would retire in a remote area from from the traffic of the city and the fast pace life. We just wanted to have a peaceful life somewhere in the province o


    Follow me on my nature travels.
    Shot taken in Nagtipunan Quirino, Philippines.

    Image/s were shot using Samsung Z5 flip phone. ~rex

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