Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #747 - by Allmonitors

in nature •  6 months ago

    #747 - Interesting finds in the meadows.

    Greetings on a gloomy night dear Hivers. I don't have work today but early morning tomorrow and my son didn't have class too not until the twelve of this month which is next week so I didn't have to wake up early for anything. Plus I didn't slept early last night because of the neighbor's male cat who is making noise until past midnight trying to seduce the female cat that has been taking shelter outside our place. The dude cat wants to score and he's been making that noise for a few days now. Every time I see the cat in the day time and when it's not in high elevation like roof or walls and just sitting on the ground, I release our dogs a shittzu to go after it but the cat is too fast for the dogs to catch up plus our dog is too old already 😅.

    For today's shots is all about nature and these first three shows hairy caterpillar, this could be a butterfly or a moth maybe. It's hairs are long and it's been years since I encountered getting those hairs in my skin and experienced itchiness 😅. Never again for that matter. Good thing I know how to deal with it by using coconut oil only and in just a few minutes the itchiness is gone and the skin inflamed will also slowly return to its previous state.




    Then there's also this kind of wild plants that has these so many round shaped fruits which are actually sticky when it gets to your clothing. I don't know the name of it but it's found pretty much everywhere in meadows.


    Then there's also this kind of wild plant that the flowers are somehow purple and elongated.


    Then lastly are these three shots of this tiny white and yellow flower that comes from a weed also. The plant produce several branches and the bear these colorful flowers where the petals are white and the middle part is yellow. When dried out the seeds are elongated and can be easily carried by wind.



    Follow me on my nature travels.
    Shot taken in Marikina, Philippines.

    Image/s were shot using Poco X3 phone. ~rex

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