Naira weakling against USD

in naira •  5 months ago

    I really don't understand where this my country is headed.

    The way our currency is weakling against USD and usdt is really alarming, in the space of a week, it has seen about 16% decline.

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    And funny enough, this country is so dependent on importation there by making cost of everything extremely high and very difficult for the average citizen to afford.

    I went out earlier today to get some food stuffs and I was shocked and dumbfounded, I couldn't buy anything even, I really can not wrap my head around the happenings.

    Never in our wildest dreams would we think or imagine the situation of things getting this bad, and the saddest of it is the fact that it will definitely get worse than it already is.

    The government is busy fighting cryptocurrency traders for weakling the naira and I can not buy laugh, because what sort of joke is that?? How can the so called government think of such? Just how?

    This government is a total failure and it breaks my heart so bad, messed with my mental health even.

    I hope things get better soonest and they realize what Thier mistake is and take precautionary measures against it.

    I don't understand how government will decide to float naira and then try to fight it back by shutting down cryptocurrency websites and fintechs.

    Then they keep defending the currency by using the already scarce usd in the reserve to fight what is not even worth it. Instead of them to sit down and tackle the root source of the problem.

    It's a pity that this will continue to happen and it's getting even worse beyond what they can control with force.

    I weep for my country and this jeopardy I really can both phantom. Thanks to Hive for creating a way to earn in $ because if not, this would have been really disastrous.

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