What it takes to be happy

in mywartimediary •  2 months ago


    At this point, my answer will not be philosophical. Not at all.

    It depends on what comes back to you from what you lost.

    Yes, this is my recipe of happiness.


    I wasn't active on Hive recently. I don't know a certain reason why I don't finish my drafts and stories. Or maybe yesterday I got some kind of an answer from my doctor. We did some tests and found out that some indicators are very low. These indicators are responsible for the power to live, so to speak. In response to my remark, the doctor replied that just eating, sleeping and walking is not enough to get vitality and that my body did not have much of it.

    Maybe she's right. I believe that spring is the most beautiful time of the year. And I also believe that the revival of nature provides energy for the revival of our souls as well. But if you don't fill it, something is wrong.


    On the other hand, I know that I will feel energized and inspired from the very moment when my hubby calls me to say he is returning home after his next military mission. I don't know how it works and what happens with those indicators at such moments. 🙂


    I took these pictures on my last daily trip with my hubby earlier in April. And I believe that one day, I will share my story about the fantastic places we visited. But now I don't feel like writing a long post. So all I have for you are these images of a picturesque Ukrainian river Ros'.

    I remember standing on the shore and looking at the absolutely calm water. Harmony, Zen...


    Almost. Because it reminded me of what I lost - my peace of mind. Everything is incomplete without it - joy, love, delight. I adapted and took my life out of pause. But now and then this reality seems like a parallel world and frankly we are all waiting for the day when peace will return to us.

    How much will we lose by then?


    P. S. This ginger cat was resting in the sun. When he noticed visitors he started talking to us. I wish I could understand the cat's language! It still looked like a dialog - I was saying and he was replying. The tone of the conversation was like he was complaining and asking something. But maybe he just needed someone to talk... Just like me today.

    Thank you for being my listeners. 🖤

    ̶A̶i̶r̶ ̶r̶a̶i̶d̶ ̶a̶l̶e̶r̶t̶

    The End.



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